PM Modi Writes That Srimat Swami Smaranananda Ji Maharaj’s Death Is a Personal Loss | Opinion

My thoughts briefly stopped when I learned about Srimat Swami Smaranananda Ji Maharaj’s passing in the middle of the chaotic festivities surrounding the Lok Sabha elections.

India’s spiritual awareness was pioneered by Srimat Swami Smaranananda Ji Maharaj, whose passing is comparable to a personal bereavement. Many people are grieving after Swami Atmasthananda Ji’s death a few years ago and Swami Smaranananda Ji’s departure on his everlasting journey. I share the profound sadness felt by millions of devotees, saints, and supporters of Ramakrishna Math and Mission.

I had visited the hospital in Kolkata earlier this month to check on Swami Smaranananda Ji’s condition.

Similar to Swami Atmasthananda Ji, Swami Smaranananda Ji devoted his whole life to promoting the global dissemination of the teachings of Acharya Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Mata Sharada Devi, and Swami Vivekananda.

My recollections of our meetings and discussions are coming back to me as I write this piece.

During my stay at Belur Math in January 2020, I went to Swami Vivekananda’s chamber to contemplate. I spoke with Swami Smaranananda Ji about Swami Atmasthananda Ji for a considerable amount of time during that visit.

My intimate association with Belur Math and Ramakrishna Mission is well-known. Over the course of more than 50 years, as a spiritual seeker, I have traveled to several locations and encountered a variety of saints and mahatmas. I learned about the saints who devoted their lives to spirituality even at Ramakrishna Math, including well-known figures like Swami Atmasthananda Ji and Swami Smaranananda Ji. My intellect was satisfied by their revered ideas and wisdom. During a pivotal moment in my life, I learned the actual meaning of Jan Seva hi Prabhu Seva from these saints.

Ramakrishna Mission’s slogan, “Atmano Mokshaartham Jagaddhitaaya Cha,” is shown by the lives of Swami Atmasthananda Ji and Swami Smaranananda Ji.

The work that Ramakrishna Mission does to advance rural development and education inspires us all. The goals of Ramakrishna Mission include humanitarian assistance, educational empowerment, and spiritual enlightenment for India. When Bengal was devastated by a flood in 1978, Ramakrishna Mission captured the hearts of everybody with its selfless assistance. During the devastating earthquake that struck Kutch in 2001, I recall that Swami Atmasthananda Ji was one of the first individuals to reach out to me, offering the Ramakrishna Mission’s full support for disaster management. Under his leadership, Ramakrishna Mission provided assistance to a large number of earthquake victims.

Social empowerment has been emphasized by Swami Atmasthananda Ji and Swami Smaranananda Ji throughout the years, although they have held different roles. Those familiar with the lives of these remarkable individuals will undoubtedly recall the seriousness with which these saints approached contemporary education, skill development, and women’s emancipation.

Swami Atmasthananda Ji had many amazing qualities, but I was most struck by his love and respect for all cultures and traditions. This was because he had been a frequent traveler and had spent a lot of time in various regions of India. While residing in Gujarat, he picked up the language. He would even converse with me in the language, and I enjoyed hearing his Gujarati accent!

Throughout India’s history, several saints and seers, such as Swami Atmasthananda Ji and Swami Smaranananda Ji, have kindled the flame of social transformation at various stages in the country’s growth. They have inspired us to tackle all of the problems our society confronts by working together. During the Amrit Kaal, these enduring ideals will serve as our pillar of support as we work to create a Viksit Bharat.

I honor these holy people once again on behalf of the whole country. I have no doubt that everyone connected to the Ramakrishna Mission will keep going in the direction they have indicated.

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