Interested nations for the GeM model of public procurement are: Government

According to an official source, other nations in Asia and Africa have taken notice of India’s public procurement platform, Government e Marketplace (GeM), due to its “scorching growth” and are attempting to emulate the idea.

“Other nations have shown a great deal of interest in learning how India has succeeded in public procurement. We have received inquiries from many sources,” he said.

Government procurement via GeM reached Rs 4 trillion in 2023–2024—a twofold increase over 2022–2023 levels. Compared to the previous year, purchases had quadrupled in FY 23.

Additionally, the World Bank, which views public procurement as a crucial component of sustainable development and poverty alleviation, is showcasing the GeM model at conferences.

Rough estimates place annual government spending in the global range of $13 trillion to $13-22% of GDP. In emerging nations, this might account for 15–22% of GDP.

The third-biggest public procurement platform globally is called GeM. The largest is KONEPS in South Korea, which is followed by GeBIZ in Singapore.

Countries have shown interest in our methods at a number of conferences that the World Bank has organized. The official said that delegates from a few nations had visited and examined our systems.

We maintain contact with several nations in Africa, Southeast Asia, and the surrounding area via the World Bank. Jamaica and other parties have contacted us via other routes,” he said.

In order to take GeM worldwide, the Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) would need to have a conversation on how Indian systems, technology, and expertise might be exported. “We’ll make a cautious decision on that.”

Public procurement is usually contract based, with the exception of four or five nations worldwide. Vendors offer things under this system over time at a set price. These contracts do not have a quantity clause, and they are intended to standardize procurement prices by reducing procurement costs.

According to the official, working with other nations to enhance their public procurement systems might include anything from providing consulting services to physically establishing the system in these nations.

In FY 25, the GeM also plans to increase the scope of its operations and help state-run businesses and other agencies with their labor contracts.

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