Famous quotations by writers and poets on Good Friday, 2024

For Christians worldwide, Good Friday, which falls on March 29, 2024, is a significant holiday. Jesus Christ was crucified on this day, which resulted in his death at Calvary. Good Friday is a significant religious and cultural holiday that represents heavenly love, atonement, and sacrifice.
According to the Gospels, in the week before Passover, Jesus Christ—who was received by his followers as both the Son of God and the Messiah—arrived in Jerusalem.

At that time, people’s reactions to Christ’s teachings were mixed with adoration and conflict. On Good Friday, we remember that Jesus willingly went through betrayal, arrest, trial, and crucifixion, marking the end of his earthly existence. Christians offer prayers and services on this day, thinking back on Christ’s selfless offering that saved mankind.
The fundamental tenet of Christianity is that Christ’s death on the cross atoned for humanity’s sins. In addition to bridging the gap between God and humans, this promised those who believed in him everlasting life. Therefore, Good Friday symbolises God’s purpose of redemption and shows God’s kindness and grace.
Here is a compilation of well-known statements about Good Friday by poets and writers in honour of the holiday. Continue reading to learn more.

1. “The cross is not the terrible end to an otherwise godfearing and happy life, but it meets us at the beginning of our communion with Christ.” Bonhoeffer, Dietrich

2. “We may say that the magnificent deed by which virtue overcame sin and light overcame darkness was finished on the first Good Friday afternoon. That is the miracle of the cross of our Lord and Saviour.” Phillips Brooks

3. “I think that everyone are unique. To me, every individual is Christ, and because there is only one Jesus, that individual is the only one existing in the universe at that precise time. Mother Teresa

4. “An entirely innocent man became the world’s ransom by giving himself as a sacrifice for the benefit of everyone, including his adversaries. It was the ideal deed. Mahatma Gandhi

5. “The path of suffering is the path of the cross.” In order to demonstrate to the rest of the world how much Christ loves them, Christians are supposed to die, not kill. ~ John Piper

6. “The triumph is the resurrection; the victory is the cross…The triumph of the one who was crucified is publicly shown via the resurrection.” Leon Morris

7. “Christ could not have suffered and died for us if suffering were a sin in and of itself. If Christ is God, he cannot sin. But since He died the most horrifying death possible in order to save us, He really demonstrated to us the power of pain and suffering.
― E.A. Bucchianeri, Drawings from a Gadfly 2

8. “The nicest present given to the least deserving person—and, if necessary, at the highest cost—is the ultimate expression of love. It was God’s doing. God bestowed onto the completely unworthy the greatest gift—the manifestation of Christ’s splendour, the image of God—at the cost of His Son’s life.” John Piper
“We like to think that we are sound, substantial flesh and blood, but in spite of that, we call this Friday good. The dripping blood is our only drink, and the bloody flesh is our only food.”
† T.S. Eliot

9. “We overlookthe need to stop amid the quiet of the days in between Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday. Make time today to be there, in the waiting room. The profound serenity that arises when you breathe in that place of silent surrender is full of richness. Proceed cautiously through the “Between” area. Walden, Katherine J.

10. “Perhaps the Good Friday story explains that God would sooner die than continue to be involved in our sin-accounting society.”
“Pastrix: The Cranky, Beautiful Faith of a Sinner & Saint” by Nadia Bolz-Weber

11. “You can face your pain with courage and hope, no matter what the storm clouds bring.” For two millennia, two thousand years ago—six hours, one Friday—Christ set three unshakable anchor points in the bedrock that we may all hold to. Friday has meaning for the heart broken by hopelessness. That Friday contains forgiveness for a life tarnished by failure. And that Friday offers salvation to the soul gazing down the passage of death.” Max Lucado

12. “The Crucifixion! The only place where help is available is there, even if the atheist and deist rage and Earth bears a slave of such low morality. William Cowper

13. “The Cross was the expression of man’s unfathomable malignity, but it was also the manifestation of Divine love without reserve or limit.”Robert Anderson, Sir

14. “Our goal is not to “get straight with God” on Good Friday. It’s about us briefly touching on the gap that exists between God and humans. capturing the glimmering melancholy of humanity’s desire to be perfect and all-powerful, to be our own gods.”― Nadia Bolz-Weber

15. “Easter Sunday cannot exist unless there is a Good Friday in your life.” Fulton J. Sheen

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