How This Miss Uttarakhand Decided Against Modeling To Become An IRO

The world of glitter and celebrity captivates most individuals in today’s society, but there is one person who has deliberately chosen to leave it behind. In a noteworthy event, a Dehradun-born model gave up her career to work for the government and give back to the community.

Taskeen Khan, the former Miss Uttarakhand and Miss Dehradun, has attracted a lot of attention since she gave up her prestigious modeling career to take a position with the government. After leaving the modeling industry, Taskeen Khan took the civil services test and was hired as an Indian Revenue Officer (IRS).

When Taskeen Khan was still in school, she started her modeling career at an early age. Taskeen was an intelligent student, but modeling was her first love due to her fascination with fashion. In addition to being a gifted model and a motivated learner, Taskeen excelled in extracurricular activities. She was a national-level debater in addition to being a great basketball player.

After finishing her education, Taskeen registered at NIT, but the financial crisis prevented her from attending the institution. Taskeen earned the titles of Miss Uttarakhand and Miss Dehradun in the 2016–17 year. She finally decided to take a different route once her father retired, although she still had aspirations of becoming Miss India.

She gave up on the notion of being a model and started getting ready for the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) test. After graduating with a B.Sc. from Jamia Milia Islamia in 2020, Taskeen moved to Delhi and prepared diligently for the test. Taskeen, who received an All-India rank of 736, was eligible for the UPSC despite having failed the preliminary test three times. She works as an IRS officer at the moment.

IRS Khan is not just an officer but also a social media personality, with more than 26,000 Instagram followers. She talks often about the difficult path she took in life to get to this position. In addition, Taskeen is seen posting lifestyle information that helps the general audience identify with her.

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