Unbelievable video of a 33-year-old man jumping into the 9/11 Memorial Pool gets him arrested

A 33-year-old Manhattan man plunged into the North Pool at the 9/11 Memorial and Museum on Monday afternoon, and the disturbing footage of it has since gone viral. He was able to survive the terrible occurrence with just a leg injury. A Port Authority officer saw a guy entering one of the two-tiered reflecting ponds at the memorial shortly after that, and the police quickly detained him at the World Trade Center site.

The guy carefully approached the 18-inch deep water in the pool’s central basin, and then, with purposeful intent, he inched his way into the pool’s center, eventually plunging head-first into the 20-foot-deep pool. The incident was caught on camera and is now making the rounds on the internet.

He was obviously bleeding as he entered the bottom part of the pool, as can be seen in the video.

The event happened at about 1:30 PM ET when authorities got a report about the guy jumping into the 9/11 Memorial’s north pool. The victim, who suffered injuries to his left leg and back during the incident, was taken to an ambulance after an emergency medical services team was sent to help him.

Security staff quickly put chains around the pool after this occurrence to stop any further attempts at similar behavior.

In order to treat his non-life-threatening wounds, the wounded person was sent to Bellevue Hospital. According to the police, charges are still pending. The individual, according to a Port Authority spokeswoman, was “apparently an emotionally disturbed person.” According to NBC News, the guy is expected to undergo a psychiatric examination and is facing charges for trespassing. Although it is yet unknown if the guy had a personal link to the terrorist activities, CBS News also said that the man claimed that he was acting in honor of his father.

Within the original footprints of the Twin Towers, which were demolished after the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, the memorial has two pools. Each pool, according to the 9/11 Memorial & Museum website, stretches 30 feet into a basin and drops another 20 feet into a “central void.”


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