Daughters in performing would “love to be supported” by Drew Barrymore, but not until they are older

When asked whether they would want to pursue an acting career like their mother, Drew Barrymore replies that they shouldn’t till they are older.


Frankie, the daughter of Barrymore, is ten years old, and Olive is eleven.

“I recall people asking me, ‘Well, would you want your kids to go into the business?'” when I first had children. And it always made me feel so depressed, like this industry was so poisonous, like, ‘Ew,'” the actress added, according to people.com.

And I suddenly realized that’s not at all how I feel about this industry. It has provided me with every opportunity imaginable, and I am very grateful for my life.

Barrymore was cast in “E.T.” at the age of six, and later appeared in films such as “Firestarter” and “Irreconcilable Differences.” Her father, grandfather, great-grandparents, great-aunt, and uncle were all performers. Barrymore received her first commercial at the age of eleven months.

Her passion for Hollywood does not, however, imply that she is endorsing her daughters’ choices.

“My children often ask me if they may appear in a movie, on social media, or in any other capacity. “School plays, theater camp, everything (yes)” is all I ever say.

However, being visible to the public, (no) till… And they ask, “Well, what’s the number?” after that. And I always respond by saying, “I understand that you’re looking for a specific response, and I know that’s not satisfying. Instead, it will be a feeling.” It will happen when I believe you are prepared.

When it’s time, Barrymore will be their greatest supporter.

“As a parent, I would really want to help my children in their latter years. Once again, what is that number? It’s not 13, and it’s probably not 14, but I’m not sure.

“It’s up there, but your kid will present themselves in a way where you have to trust them, listen to them, and provide support,” she said. And while I’m not sure what number it is, it’s surely higher than 14 or 15.


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