Rubina Dilaik, the mother of twin children, sheds 11 kg in 55 days after giving birth, saying, “I wanted to fit into my pre-conceiving dress.”

After accepting her pregnancy in November, Rubina Dilaik, mother of two twin daughters, has gradually gone back to her job. Rubina used her vlog to provide a peek into her first postpartum shoot schedule and how she managed to squeeze into her preconception ensemble. The actress also said that she shed almost 11 kg in the 55 days after childbirth.


02/7Rubina’s self-promised

It has been 55 days since my delivery and the moment I was bestowed with my two lovely miracles, my girls. I had made a self-promise to return to work in three months. I had saved an old, size-appropriate outfit for myself. Before I became pregnant, I used to wear it. I thus put the outfit away, believing I would wear it in three months. I’ll put in a lot of effort.

03/7: Resuming postpartum photography

For the first time in many days, I will dedicate six or seven hours to my job. After spending so much time with my girls, it is just not feasible. However, I consider myself fortunate to have a solid support network at home. My family is really helpful. I’m more anxious than excited right now. I’m planning to do my first picture session since being pregnant, by the way.

04/7: Nearly 11 kg lost in 55 days

I feel secure in myself despite the fact that I am still a little overweight and obese. I’ve always valued healthy living more than my physical appearance. I want to let you know that, if I don’t come off as boastful, I have lost over 11 kg in the last 55 days. I enjoy being in front of the camera, so I definitely want to do that again.

05/7 Citing an outfit as an influence

I had saved this clothing for myself as a motivational piece and a sign that, if I fit into it, I’m gradually returning to my natural form on the inside. Yes, I did blend in.

06/7Resuming a regimen of core exercise

My doctor advised me to start doing core workouts right away. Because they are twins, the doctor informed me that the belly swells a lot, making it difficult for specific muscles to recede. As a result, I have to concentrate only on core exercises in pilates to help these muscles develop. To all the moms out there who also work, I can assure you that it is not easy; I am just touching the surface.

07/7 Relearning how to shoot after birth

I’m two hours late because of a job obligation for the first time ever. Furthermore, I feel awful about it. I always feel like I’m forgetting something while I’m doing makeup. It seems to me that the brain is confused. This is comparable to the initial delivery shot. I’ll start to get the hang of it now. I woke up around 3:30. I just went for a little snooze. I just had a snooze from four or five. And by five, we resemble wheels.

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