Kitchen advice: Use these items to clean the tea pot if it’s unclean

If you like drinking tea often, your tea kettle is probably one of your favorite kitchen appliances. However, after time, tea stains and debris may amass, making your cherished teapot seem less than appetizing. But don’t worry! It’s less difficult than you may imagine to clean a soiled teapot. This article will demonstrate how to utilize inexpensive home materials to bring your tea kettle back to its former splendor.

what you’ll need

Let’s collect the necessary supplies and equipment before starting the cleaning process:


soiled teapot

bread soda

clear vinegar

Soft fabric or a sponge


Step 1: Get your teapot ready

Start by emptying your teapot of any residual tea or water. To get rid of any leftover residue and loose particles, give it a brisk rinse with warm water.

Create a cleaning paste in step two.

Creating the Cleaning Agent

Grab a little bowl.

Baked soda should be added in 2 teaspoons.

White vinegar should be added gradually until a thick paste forms.

The ingredients must be well mixed after stirring.

Apply the cleaning paste in Step 3

Use of the Paste

Enter the paste using a gentle cloth or sponge.

Scrub the teapot’s inside and outside gently.

Pay close attention to any difficult to remove stains or color changes.

Let it sit in Step 4

Putting the paste’s magic to work

Leave the paste on the tea pot after cleaning for 15 to 20 minutes.

This will aid in dissolving and removing the stains.

Step 5: Re-Scrub

A second cleaning session

Scrub the tea kettle once again with your towel or sponge.

The residue and stains ought should be easier to remove.

Step 6: Completely rinse.

Last Rinse

Under running water, thoroughly rinse the teapot.

Make sure the whole cleaning paste is gone.

Step 7: Shine and Dry

How to Dry Your Teapot

Wipe the teapot dry with a fresh, clean cloth.

Its initial brilliance will be seen if you buff it to a shine.

Extra Advice

Extra Freshness with Lemon Juice

You may add a few drops of lemon juice to your cleaning paste for a revitalizing aroma.

Prevent New Spots

After each use, properly clean your tea pot and let it air dry to avoid further tea stains.

You may quickly clean your soiled tea kettle and drink your tea in a pristine cup with some baking soda, white vinegar, and hard work. Your tea pot will remain beautiful and continue to produce the best-tasting tea with routine maintenance. Give your teapot the tender loving care it needs right now so you can enjoy your next cup of tea without worrying about any leftover stains or residue.


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