Use these 5 easy exercises to increase the strength and flexibility of your wrists

Whether you’re lifting weights, playing sports, or working on a computer, wrist strength and flexibility are essential for daily tasks. Over time, wrist neglect may result in pain and even damage. Fortunately, you can keep your wrists strong and flexible by including a few easy workouts in your regimen. These five workouts are suitable for all fitness levels and experience levels.

Circles on the wrists:
Lie your arms out in front of you straight or place them comfortably on your lap to begin. Using both hands, make a fist, and then gently spin your wrists in a clockwise and counterclockwise direction. Try to complete 10 to 15 repetitions in each direction. This workout facilitates increased wrist mobility and flexibility.

Stretch your wrist flexors by extending your arm in front of you and pointing your palm downward. When you feel a stretch in your wrist and forearm, use your opposite hand to gently apply pressure on the fingers of your extended hand. After holding the stretch for 15 to 30 seconds, swap sides. By focusing on the muscles on the underside of the forearm, this stretch helps to loosen up and promote flexibility.

Wrist extension: Assume a sitting or standing position and raise your arms to shoulder height in front of you. Maintain a downward facing palm. Keep your arms straight as you slowly bend your wrists upward, bringing your fingers up toward the ceiling. After a little period of time, return your wrists to their initial posture by lowering them. Try to get 10 to 15 repetitions. This exercise increases wrist stability and develops the upper forearm muscles.

Wrist flexion: To start, extend your arms in front of you shoulder-height, with your palms facing upwards, just as you would for the wrist extension exercise. Keep your arms straight as you slowly bend your wrists downward, bringing your fingers to the floor. Return to the beginning position after holding this position for a short while. Try to get 10 to 15 repetitions. This exercise improves strength and flexibility by focusing on the muscles on the underside of the forearm.

Squeeze one hand at chest level while holding a soft stress ball or grip strengthener. Release the ball after squeezing it as hard as you can without getting hurt. After ten to fifteen repetitions of this squeezing action, swap hands. Squeezing your hands together will strengthen your grip and keep your wrists from becoming tired from regular tasks.

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