What date is the 2024 International Women’s Day? IWD Date, History, Key Information, Theme, and More

Every year on March 8, the globe observes International Women’s Day. The day honors women’s contributions to society, the economy, culture, politics, and everyday lives. With their unfailing zeal, passion, and beliefs, women, regardless of their roles—homemakers, teachers, engineers, economists, physicians, or architects—consistently make the world a better place. Because of this, this day is also devoted to bringing attention to the issues that still affect women, including abuse, discrimination, and gender inequity.

How Was It Initiated?
On March 8, 1857, female textile workers in New York City staged a protest march against unjust working conditions and unequal rights for women, marking the beginning of National Women’s History Month. It was among the first coordinated strikes by female workers. Subsequently, on March 8, 1908, female needleworkers protested against child labor, poor working conditions in sweatshops, and the lack of women’s suffrage by marching through New York City’s Lower East Side. International Women’s Day was first celebrated on March 8, 1910, and it is now recognized yearly.

Continue reading to discover the importance and history of International Women’s Day, as well as important details, this year’s topic, and celebration ideas.

Why is March 8th? The Past And Importance
On February 28, 1909, the Socialist Party of America established National Women’s Day in New York. Theresa Malkiel, a labor organizer, presented this in remembrance of the citywide demonstrations against the tyranny and exploitation of garment workers. When 15,000 women marched through New York City calling for voting rights, shorter workweeks, and greater incomes, the movement gathered momentum. Inspired by American socialists, German delegates later that year supported the concept of a women’s day.

The UN General Assembly proclaimed March 8 as International Women’s Day in 1977 in favor of women’s rights and world peace after the UN started honoring International Women’s Day in 1975. Since then, by announcing a theme every year, the United Nations has been a major contributor to the celebration of the day.

Speaking of its importance, this day fosters awareness of gender equality, honors the accomplishments of women, and facilitates fundraising for a number of female-focused organizations.

What Is Theme for IWD 2024?
Women’s Day has as its theme, “Invest in women: Accelerate progress.” According to this subject, building gender equality and promoting women’s wellbeing in all spheres of life is crucial now more than ever for the growth of robust economies and a safe and healthy global community. The world is a better place for everyone when we honor and respect women from diverse backgrounds.

Important Details for International Women’s Day in 2024
Many nations observe International Women’s Day as a national holiday, including Afghanistan, Cuba, Vietnam, Cambodia, China, Laos, Georgia, and Russia.

International Women’s Day is observed in the official colors of purple, green, and white. Green is a symbol of optimism, purple of justice and dignity, and white of purity.

The United States observed Women’s Day for the first time on February 28, 1909, to honor the 1908 garment workers’ strike in New York over unfavorable working conditions, longer workdays, and lower pay.

To honor women as mothers, Mother’s Day and International Women’s Day have been combined in several regions of the globe.

Clara Zetkin, a women’s rights activist, supporter, and advocate, was the one who first proposed making Women’s Day a global holiday.

How Is Women’s History Day Honored?
Go to activities honoring International Women’s Day.
Numerous localities organize marches, seminars, panel discussions, and demonstrations with the goal of empowering women. To find out more about the background and importance of International Women’s Day, one might go to such events.

Encourage organizations run by women
Try to support women-owned businesses by purchasing products and services from them; this will encourage them to put in more effort.

Contribute to initiatives empowering women and girls.
Countless nonprofit organizations and charitable organisations dedicate their lives to promoting the rights and welfare of women.

Honor the accomplishments of the women in your life.

Spend some time appreciating the contributions that the ladies in your life—your sister, mother, wife, friends, and coworkers—have made.

By increasing consciousness, honoring the accomplishments of women, and taking initiative, we can all help create a more just and equal society.

On International Women’s Day, wearing purple denotes support for women’s rights movements and a dedication to attaining gender equality. It’s an obvious method to express awareness and support for the topic.

Indeed, every year on November 19, there is an International Men’s Day observed worldwide. Its declared objectives are to enhance gender relations, highlight the health of men and boys, and support strong male role models. It’s crucial to remember that opinions on whether or not men should have a special day are divided since some contend that men already enjoy a number of social and economic benefits.

There is still gender disparity in the workplace, in school, in healthcare, and in violent crimes. IWD advocates for change toward equal rights and opportunities for women while also bringing attention to the issue.

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