World Poetry Day 2024: Essential Readings for Wishes, Quotations, History, and Poems

Every year on March 21, we recognize World Poetry Day as a way to honor poets and revive the tradition of poetry readings. Poetry is a kind of writing that allows authors to communicate their most intense emotions, experiences, and hopes. Poets may act as a mirror for society and a force for struggle against tyranny by using poetry as a weapon. As a result, the term itself becomes very important.

The day honors one of humanity’s most valued forms of cultural and linguistic expression as well as identity, according to UNESCO. The goal is to raise awareness of endangered languages and encourage linguistic variety through poetry.

Wishes on World Poetry Day (2024)
The heart can comprehend no language except poetry. On this unique day, express yourself with a poem. 2024’s World Poetry Day greetings!

Let’s acknowledge poetry’s genius and allure, since it has a lot to say in a very special manner. Greetings on Poetry Day.

If poetry encourages you to live a better life every day, life will never be boring. Best wishes and a happy World Poetry Day in 2024.

A poet creates poetry that transcends time by fusing elements of the past, present, and future. Cheers to World Poetry Day!

The purpose of World Poetry Day is to alert us to the fact that poetry is becoming less and less common and to the need to preserve it.

Quotes for World Poetry Day (2024)
“Lovesickness, homesickness, a lump in the throat—these are the beginnings of a poem.” Robert Frost.

“What cannot be silenced and cannot be put into words is expressed through music.” Hugo Victor.

“Only the most feeble-minded individuals reject the power of poetry and literature.” ― Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Angel.

“Poets’ silence on the subject of cheese is mysterious.” George K. Chesterton, Alarms and Discursions.

“The earth writes poems in the sky through trees.” We smash them into pieces of paper so that we may document our nothingness. Khalil Gibran.

World Poetry Day 2024: Essential Reading Poems

Rabindranath Tagore, Gitanjali.

Robert Frost’s “The Road Not Taken”

The beloved’s abode—a Doha by Sant Kabir.

Harivansh Rai Bachchan’s Madhushala.

William Shakespeare, All the World’s a Stage.

From William Wordsworth’s Daffodils.

World Poetry Day 2024: Its Background and Importance

At its 30th General Conference in 1999, the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) established World Poetry Day for the first time in honor of poetry’s exceptional power to spark human creativity, advance cultural diversity, and foster intercultural understanding and harmony.

Poets like Alexander Pushkin, TS Eliot, Kabir, Rabindranath Tagore, Bharathidasan, Kalidasa, and Ramdhari Singh Dinkar have captured, moved, and even transformed readers since the beginning of time. Poetry preservation encourages the acknowledgment of certain skills as well as the preservation of many languages and civilizations.

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