A Major Tourist Attraction in Seattle Is This Wall With A Million Chewy Gums On It

Things may be both public health dangers and art displays, although it’s very unusual for one location or one item to fulfill both roles. The Market Theatre Gum Wall, often regarded as Seattle’s least probable tourist destination, combines the two in an odd way. Strangely, there are a million colorful gobbets of chewed gum covering the brick wall.

The Gum Wall is just one of Seattle’s oddball tourist attractions. It is situated outside Pike Place Market’s main entrance. As the name suggests, thousands of chewed chewing gum pieces have been stuck to the wall next to Post Alley’s Market Theater (now Unexpected Productions) since the early 1990s. What’s this? The distinctive—or, may we say, disgusting—wall is increasingly employed as a background for pictures by tourists. As a result, the wall has earned a spot on the list of the city’s most visited places.

Since 1993, chewed gum has been gathered by the Seattle Gum Wall in an odd exhibition of unwholesome and filthy society. Since then, it has expanded to a height of 8 feet and a width of more than 50 feet, containing 150 pieces of gum every brick. And some of them have been there for decades and are inches thick.

While it may seem that a unique attraction was purposefully created in such a risky manner, theater staff initially made a concerted effort to maintain the wall clean. However, when more and more individuals started sticking the gum to the wall, it quickly started to become a custom.

Despite this, the Pike Place Market Preservation and Development Authority removed all of the chewing gum from the wall and cleaned it in November 2015 because the wall was being harmed by the gum’s high sugar content. However, nothing materialized as individuals once again began sticking gum to the wall.

And sure, particularly on hot summer days, the Seattle Gum Wall doesn’t smell nice or even bearable in that situation. People continue to go there to take odd pictures to publish on their social media accounts.


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