Australian Man Panics After Observing Alien-Looking Creature Outside His Door

The possibility of extraterrestrial life has long piqued the curiosity of a sizable portion of the global population. Our imaginations are often stoked by the abundance of science fiction material dealing with extraterrestrial life, and on sometimes we let them run wild. Recently, an Australian man seemed to have let his imagination go a little bit too wild when he claimed to have found a “alien creature” on his doorway. On Reddit, he shared a photo of the creature and requested readers to identify it. People are now circulating the post and attempting to identify the beast.

According to the user, he first believed the strange “thing” to be nothing more than a group of sticks or a piece of bark but upon closer investigation realized it was really moving. Nearly a hundred Australians responded to the article with theories on what the creature may be. Some described it as a monster straight out of the Alien vs. Predator movies, while others described it as the progeny of a plant and an alien.

The riddle was soon cleared out, and it was discovered that the initial poster had been exaggerating. In the end, it turned out to be a case moth caterpillar. These insects are widespread on Australia’s east coast, and they are known to construct their own “mobile homes” there. It’s commonly described as being both a plant and a caterpillar.

The Australian Museum states that the larvae of these moths, sometimes known as case moths, bag moths, or bagworms, build mobile homes made of silk and often attach plant detritus, rubbish, or sand grains to the outside. The Saunders case moth attaches short, lengthwise-arranged twigs after attaching leaves first.

The majority of a case moth’s life is spent as a caterpillar, which in certain species may last up to one or two years. Once they are completed, the female caterpillars never leave their casings. A larger “mouth” through which the insect may travel and consume, and a smaller hole at the other end through which it excreta, are both present in the casing.


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