Dubai Influencer Begins to Ask Her Millionaire Spouse to Purchase Gold to Double Their Infant’s Weight

Linda Andrade is a social media influencer from Dubai who often posts pictures and videos of herself flaunting her opulent sense of style from the viewpoint of a millionaire’s wife. She has suddenly taken center stage, according to The Sun website, for making an unusual demand of her spouse. She’s asked for something quite special in relation to her newborn baby.

In a TikTok video, Linda said that she requested her husband to buy gold, which is twice as heavy as the child. Linda chose to lie to her husband that her daughter, who had weighed seven pounds at birth, really weighed fifteen. She may have more than twice as much gold this way. She added, “He believed me and didn’t question it,” and then she displayed the gold bars her husband had bought.

These gold bars, Linda said, are just a small portion of the numerous gifts her daughter would get from her father. Linda said, “She was spoiled inside my stomach, and she will be spoiled outside too.” In a lighthearted statement, she added that her kid would only be able to consume 24-carat gold milk.

Additionally, the influencer called her kid Caviar Baby. Linda said that throughout her pregnancy, her daughter had a need for caviar, which is the eggs of giant fish, particularly sturgeon. She said that when her kid is old enough, she would be giving her a diet high in caviare because of this.

To provide her kid a fashionable existence, Linda Andrade and her spouse have done all in their power. They have invested in a pram from one of the priciest manufacturers. Linda has also made the decision that her child will like the priciest clothing and purse brands.

With over 4 million views on TikTok, Linda’s video has received a range of reactions from social media users. While one person expressed that money cannot buy happiness, another expressed eagerness to take on the role of babysitter for their kid.

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