Watch the viral video to see the uncle’s reaction as a woman gets flak for dancing to “Waka Waka” on a moving train

It seems that although some Indians are infatuated with converting government buses, trains, and the Delhi metro system into dance floors, others are infuriated by the act of their fellow countrymen engaging in such “nuisance.” Another video of a female dancing on a train was uploaded online and added to the list. As shown in the video, the train was almost empty, yet the passengers were clearly in distress. The lady, who was wearing torn jeans and a crop top, was dancing to Shakira’s popular song, “Waka Waka.” After her dancing video was posted to social media, it quickly became popular and irritated a lot of people.

The item that drew the most attention, apart from the girl’s dancing, was the uncle’s response to the whole event.

The user “HasnaZaruriHai” posted the video on the social networking platform X, which was once known as Twitter. The caption on the photo said, “Uncle shocked Didi rocked.”

Many were incensed by the footage. While some criticized the girl for being a “nuisance” on public transportation, others laughed at the man’s response who was seated close by. Additionally, several urged that the lady be punished severely and emphasized the need of laws against such behavior. Two days after it was posted, the video had 75.1K views.

Many offered their opinions in the comment area. I want to draw an intriguing contrast right now. Videos of jam-packed @indianrailway__ bogies have been going viral, but this one shows us a sleeper-class bogie, which is the complete opposite. How is it even feasible? Someone enquired. “Superstar from Pune observing from the back,” said another. “Uncle, nahi padhee shayad caution neye. Perhaps he has not read the warning, because he has been fined 200 rupees and put in three machines in prison. Another person said, “Rs 200 for starting, three months in jail, or both.”

The next person responded, “This is just so wrong, strict actions should be taken against her.” Another person questioned, “What is even happening to people these days?”

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