There is now no age limit on purchasing health insurance policies

A major step toward a more comprehensive approach to insurance coverage in India is the decision made by the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) to abolish age limitations from health insurance plans. In the past, the majority of insurance companies refused to provide health insurance to anybody beyond the age of 65.


Thanks to this modification, people of all ages may now get health insurance without being constrained by their age. It is a step in the right direction to guarantee that more people, especially the elderly, have access to benefits and coverage for their vital health. The IRDAI is encouraging better financial security and healthcare access for a larger proportion of the population by doing away with age limitations, which will eventually improve the nation’s insurance environment as a whole.

“For senior citizens, this initiative signifies an end to the constraints that previously barred many from securing health insurance past a certain age,” said Reliance General Insurance CEO Rakesh Jain. This action promotes financial stability by removing age-based obstacles from critical healthcare access for older adults who are at risk. It will promote long-term health planning and innovative insurance solutions that meet the demands of a range of age groups.

“This transformation may lead to more competitive market dynamics and better products and services for customers. According to Jain, insurers will now be urged to create policies that are especially tailored to the requirements of elderly persons, including those who already have medical issues.

Getting used to the shift

Insurance companies will need to modify their underwriting procedures in order to adequately handle the elevated risks involved in providing coverage to older populations now that age limitations on health insurance plans have been lifted in India. A wider variety of policyholder ages may require insurers to review their risk assessment processes, pricing schemes, and coverage alternatives.

This change to a more inclusive strategy guarantees that people of all ages may have sufficient insurance coverage against medical costs, fostering financial stability and improved access to healthcare for everyone. By accepting this shift, insurers may help build a more equal and accessible healthcare system in which people of all ages can get the coverage they need, improving the general well-being of society.

The lifting of the age restriction on health insurance coverage, according to ManipalCigna Health Insurance CEO Prasun Sikdar, would provide older residents total piece of mind, knowing that they have access to high-quality treatment when they need it most during their golden years.

A new plan called “Prime Senior” from ManipalCigna offers flexibility with shorter waiting periods and covers pre-existing medical issues starting on the 91st day. According to Sikdar, this significant shift presents a chance to provide our steadfast support to the elderly in preserving their health and well-being, given our growing awareness of the changing demands of seniors and the increasing cost of healthcare.

Senior folks now have greater access to complete health coverage because to the removal of age limitations from health insurance plans, according to Siddharth Singhal, Business Head, Health Insurance at He made it clear that all policyholders would still be subject to the same basic terms and conditions, such as waiting periods, even after age limitations were removed.

In addition, he advised those who are buying new insurance to carefully review the policy details, including caps on room rent, co-payment requirements, and exclusions from specific therapies. This thorough evaluation guarantees that policy purchasers are aware of the scope of their health insurance coverage and are able to make educated decisions. In addition, he said that although this legislative action promotes inclusion, it would also push insurance firms to innovate and provide policies that cater to the varied demands of all age groups.

How can one choose a plan?

Experts advise seniors to weigh a variety of variables when selecting a health insurance plan in order to find a balance between cost and comprehensive coverage. To guarantee prompt coverage access, they must to choose policies with shorter waiting periods for pre-existing conditions. Affordability of the premium should be balanced with the amount of co-pay, as cheaper premiums could mean greater co-pay percentages.

Before choosing, they should evaluate the characteristics of various plans online and search for incentives like no-claim bonuses to counter medical inflation. In order to get more coverage, they need make sure they have a sufficient amount insured and think about a top-up plan. Senior individuals are no longer required to pay a copayment, but increased rates may make it unnecessary.

By paying a greater premium, many plans also provide the reduction of waiting periods for pre-existing conditions. If yearly payments are too much for senior adults, they could choose quarterly or monthly premium payment choices. Senior-focused insurance plans often contain features like nursing care and at-home therapy, and their loose underwriting guidelines allow for the inclusion of pre-existing diseases like diabetes and hypertension.

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