5 Diabetes Warning Signs In Women

There are millions of individuals suffering from diabetes worldwide. Due to issues with the production or use of insulin as an energy source for biological processes, it is a category of metabolic illnesses in which a person has excessive blood glucose levels. Numerous medical professionals claim that diabetes may afflict anybody who leads an unhealthy lifestyle, regardless of ethnicity, caste, or creed, although it has more severe consequences on women than on males.

Knowing the symptoms and indications of diabetes will help you get the right care. Despite the fact that there are many symptoms that might indicate the onset of diabetes, there are several warning indications that women should never overlook.

Symptoms Of Diabetes In Women
1. Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)

Urinary tract infections, which occur when bacteria enter the urinary system, are the most typical symptom of diabetes in women. Urination that hurts, burns, or results in bloody or murky urine are all symptoms of UTIs. Infections of the urinary system are a frequent consequence of diabetes in women.

2. Dryness of the Vagina

According to Diabetes UK, vaginal dryness may occur often in people with diabetes. Your vaginal blood vessels may get damaged as a result of high blood sugar. As a result, lubrication is lost. As a consequence, for some women, engaging in sexual activity may be very unpleasant.

3. PCOS, or polycystic ovary syndrome

A disorder known as polycystic ovarian syndrome causes a woman to create too many androgens, or male hormones, which may cause depression, infertility, weight gain, and irregular periods. Insulin resistance, which raises the body’s blood sugar levels and raises the risk of developing diabetes, is also associated with PCOS.

4. Increased Hunger And Thirst

One of the primary three symptoms of diabetes, along with acute hunger, intense thirst, and frequent urination, is polyphagia, according to Cleveland Clinic.

5. Unexpected Weight Gain or Loss

Women with diabetes may experience unanticipated weight increase or decrease. When you start taking insulin if you have type 1 diabetes, you might begin to gain weight. According to Diabetes UK, there are several causes for this, including your food, the kind of insulin you’re taking, and how much insulin you take.


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