Make this unique beverage with celery and black salt if your uric acid level has grown, and you’ll feel better right away

Our hectic lifestyles often push health issues to the side. If untreated, the common illness uric acid may be upsetting. But do not worry; there is an easy fix right in your kitchen. Greetings from the realm of natural treatments! This article will discuss a unique beverage that provides immediate relief from elevated uric acid levels. It is created with celery and black salt.

A Quick Overview of Uric Acid

Let’s first examine uric acid to better understand what it is and why it can be reason for worry before moving on to the cure.

Uric acid: What is it?

Purines, which are nutrients included in certain meals and beverages, are broken down by the body to produce uric acid, a natural waste product. Uric acid normally disintegrates in the blood and is eliminated by the kidneys. Hyperuricemia is a condition that occurs when the body creates too much uric acid or cannot effectively eliminate it.

Purine Functions

Many meals, particularly those rich in protein, contain purines, a chemical molecule. Although they are necessary for many body processes, consuming too much of them might raise one’s uric acid levels.

Hyperuricemia: The Offender

When uric acid levels in the blood rise, hyperuricemia develops. Numerous things, such as a poor diet, a genetic predisposition, and lifestyle decisions, might cause this. A disorder known as gout may result from high uric acid levels because they can crystallize and lodge in joints, causing intense pain and agony.

A Painful Result of Gout

When uric acid crystals gather in the joints, gout, a kind of arthritis, develops. This may result in severe discomfort, oedema, and redness in the afflicted regions, often the big toe. Gout episodes may be unexpected and painful, which might lower one’s quality of life.

Let’s now reveal the solution that may bring about much-needed relief.

Elixir with Celery and Black Salt


You’ll need the following for this herbal elixir:

Fresh celery stalks: To prepare this elixir, use celery stalks that are crisp and fresh.

Rock salt known as black salt (kala namak) has a distinct taste and may have health advantages.

The Approach

Wash and Chop the Celery: Start by giving the fresh celery stalks a good wash. Since it cleans off any dirt or pesticides, this step is essential. After cleaning, cut the celery into bite-sized pieces.

Blender Celery: Add the diced celery to the blender. For a smooth consistency, a high-speed blender is the best tool to use.

Pinch of black salt should be added. Black salt, also known as kala namak, is well-known for its unique taste and possible health advantages. On the body, it is thought to have an alkalizing effect. For this elixir, mix celery with a little amount of black salt.

Blend the Ingredients: Place the celery and black salt in a blender, and blend until the liquid resembles a smooth, emerald-green elixir. It should just take a few minutes to combine everything.

You may strain the elixir to have a smoother texture and eliminate any leftover fibers, however it is not necessary. An individual may opt to proceed in this manner.

Why It Functions

The Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Celery

Because of its anti-inflammatory qualities, celery is well recognized for containing substances like apigenin and luteolin. These flavonoids have the potential to lessen inflammation, a major cause of gout discomfort. Celery is also a hydrating vegetable that helps improve joint health in general.

Effects of Black Salt on Alkalinity

It is said that kala namak, or black salt, has an alkalizing impact on the body. Excess uric acid may be neutralized in an alkaline environment, lessening its negative consequences. However, further investigation is required to firmly prove these statements.


For optimal effect, it is advised to take this elixir everyday, preferably first thing in the morning. It’s easier for your body to absorb the nutrients if you drink it without eating beforehand. Nevertheless, you are free to consume this elixir whenever you choose, depending on your preferences.

For the greatest results, make sure the celery is fresh and the black salt is of high caliber.

Extra Advice

To control uric acid levels, take into account making the following lifestyle adjustments in addition to the celery and black salt elixir:

Keep hydrated.

One of the easiest but most efficient methods to aid your body in eliminating extra uric acid is by drinking enough of water. The kidneys’ optimum performance is maintained by drinking enough water.

Continue to Eat Well

Limit Foods High in Purines

Foods high in purines are a primary cause of high uric acid levels. Purines are abundant in red meat, organ meats, and several types of shellfish, including sardines and mussels. Reducing your intake of these items may be advantageous.

Accept Low-Purine Replacements

Lean forms of protein, such as tofu and chicken, are preferable over meats that are high in purines. Beans and lentils are two good plant-based protein sources.

Eat more fruit and vegetables

Uric acid levels may be lowered by eating more fruits and vegetables, particularly those rich in vitamin C. Increase your consumption of citrus fruits, berries, and leafy greens.

Exercise consistently

Regular exercise may aid in maintaining a healthy weight and lowering uric acid levels. Additionally, exercise promotes joint health and lowers the likelihood of gout episodes.

Low-impact workouts

Exercises with minimal impact, such as cycling, walking, and swimming, should be done. These exercises are kind to the joints and advantageous for gout sufferers.

Limit your use of alcohol and sugar.

Overindulgence in alcohol, particularly beer and spirits, may cause uric acid accumulation. Sugary drinks are also linked to a higher chance of getting gout.

Drink Cautiously

If you decide to drink alcohol, do so sparingly. Limiting your consumption helps reduce uric acid level rises.

Select water over sugary beverages

Avoid sugary sodas and fruit juices in favor of water or other unsweetened liquids. Sugar consumption should be decreased for general health. You don’t have to let worries about uric acid rule your life. You may control your health naturally with easy-to-use cures like the celery and black salt elixir. Keep in mind that although natural therapies might provide relief, it’s crucial to speak with a healthcare provider for an all-encompassing strategy to reducing uric acid levels. Say goodbye to pain brought on by uric acid by trying this elixir. Your kitchen is where your path to wellbeing begins!


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