Anthony Vella: A paramotor pilot and YouTuber breaks his neck after falling 85 feet

The BGD Luna 3 of paramotorist and YouTuber Anthony Vella abruptly disintegrated in the Enchanted Rock State Park, northwest of Austin, Texas, saving him from an 85–100 foot fall at 48 mph. A video of the 33-year-old’s tumble was taken.

After collapsing in the desert, Vella lay on the ground for perhaps thirty minutes before emergency personnel arrived. The YouTuber broke his right arm and suffered fractures to his neck, back, and pelvis.

Anthony Vella did not specify the time of the collision in his YouTube video. However, he uploaded his last vlog eight days ago. He was being treated in his hospital bed when the most recent video began. According to him, the reason his paramotor crashed was because he neglected to check for a minor pension knot before taking off.

Vella recorded the collision with at least three cameras. He was obviously in agony from his significant injuries when he fell in the desert. He pleaded with a dispatcher, “Help me, please, I crashed my flying machine,” after pleading with Siri to dial 911.

Vella said, “Oh f**k, my arm is totally snapped,” after his examination. He was questioned by the operator about whether he was bleeding or had suffered any additional wounds. Leandra Vella, his wife, got a call.

“My arm broke as the glider fell apart… The YouTuber assured her, “Don’t worry, my love; I’ll be fine.” “What do you mean, don’t worry?” was her response.

A subsequent note praised each and every one of Vella’s supporters.

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