US: Man Accused of Manslaughter in N.Y. Deathly Attack of Older Sikh

Following the death of 66-year-old Jasmer Singh, a 30-year-old man from Queens, New York, was charged on Tuesday with many hate crimes, including manslaughter and assault. Singh unfortunately passed away earlier this month after getting into a fight with Gilbert Augustin, who is suspected of assaulting him during a minor argument in the Kew Gardens neighborhood.

District Attorney Katz characterized the situation in a statement as one in which hate speech caused a minor vehicle collision to swiftly develop into a needless tragedy. Katz also conveyed her appreciation for the New York Police Department’s and her office’s diligent investigation of the incident.

Augustin is charged with 20 counts in the indictment, which includes first-degree manslaughter as a hate crime, first-degree manslaughter, second-degree assault as a hate crime, and other offenses pertaining to the occurrence.

The incident happened on October 19 on the Van Wyck Expressway when Augustin’s black Ford Mustang and Singh’s blue Toyota collided. Following the impact, each driver stopped to evaluate the damage. Witnesses saw Augustin argue verbally with Singh, calling him “Turban man” on many occasions and saying he didn’t want to call the police.

Augustin clashed with Singh and took his mobile phone during the confrontation. After Singh finally got his phone back, Augustin gave him three punches to the head and face. Singh had a brain damage when he fell to the ground and struck his head. After being brought to the hospital, he died the next day.


Mayor of New York City Eric Adams said on Sunday that the turban is a sign of religion rather than terrorism and vehemently denounced the increasing number of hate crimes committed against Sikhs. During his speech to the Baba Makhan Shah Lubana Sikh Center in the South Richmond Hill neighborhood of Queens, Adams called the recent assaults on the Sikh community a “stain” on the United States.

Speaking to the Richmond Hill assembly, the mayor of New York issued a strong plea for spreading knowledge about Sikhism. “You are about protection; you are not about fear. That is what everyone of this city needs to be taught. Adams was cited by PTI as adding, “Our adults and young people need to know that.”

Adams referred to the Sikh community as the neighborhood’s “anchor” and said, “Your turban does not mean terrorism.” Protecting, community, family, religion, city, and our coming together are all represented by it. We’re going to alter the conversation and story we tell you. Together, we can do it.


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