When To Replace Your Toothbrush To Maintain Dental Health

Everyone starts their day with a morning dental cleaning. In order to maintain good dental health, many of us also brush twice at night before going to bed. Depending on their needs, some people use standard bristle brushes and others use soft toothbrushes. Many people may not be aware, however, that maintaining oral health requires more than just selecting a brush that suits their requirements and keeping it until they decide to part with it.

Knowing when to replace your toothbrush on a regular basis is essential to maintaining excellent oral health. A single toothbrush used for months or years can not only transmit germs but also worsen dental health. You may be wondering when it would be appropriate to drop the existing brush and raise a new one.

In an interview with New18, Dr. Vaibhav Gulati, a dentist at the Gulati Dental Clinic in Pitampura, New Delhi, advised those with delicate gums to always use brushes with soft bristles. Medium brushes may be used if one’s dental health is naturally excellent and well-maintained.

Dr. Gulati said that everyone should replace their toothbrush every two to three months while going over how to change the brush. They should also keep a watch on the brush’s condition; if it is damaged in any way, a new brush should be used right away.

Everyone should wash their teeth twice a day, once in the morning and once at night before going to bed, to preserve dental health. In addition to keeping the teeth clean, this will lower the risk of oral illness.

Dr. Gulati went on to say that prolonged use of the same brush may lead to bacterial buildup on the brush, which can then spread throughout the mouth while brushing. Both digestion and dental health will suffer greatly as a result of this. In addition, using broken brushes for extended periods of time might cause gum damage while brushing. Furthermore, it’s important to know how to brush your teeth properly since using too much force may be harmful in a number of ways.

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