Proposal for Metro Connectivity in Jammu and Srinagar has been sent to the Center for Approval

A proposal for the building of two metro lines, one in each of the cities of Jammu and Srinagar, has been made to the Union Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs by the Jammu and Kashmir government. The action aims to increase the region’s economic activity and public transportation infrastructure.

Manoj Sinha, the lieutenant governor of Jammu and Kashmir, has filed a request for cabinet consultation, according to Indian Express. It would be the first metro line in the Union Territory if the idea is approved.

The government intends to replace the normal metro rail system that operates in places like Delhi with a MetroLite system given the unique geography and needs of the area.

“A MetroLite has been suggested since a metro line like Delhi would not be feasible for J&K. Manoj Sinha was reported as stating, “I believe there was some discussion on whether a MetroNeo should be permitted for Srinagar and Jammu, but I believe a MetroLite is what we are looking at, for now.

He continued by saying that the planned plan will include a 25 kilometer metro line for Srinagar and a 23 km line for Jammu.

Requests for financial help for the building of metro projects in five cities, including Jammu and Srinagar, have already been made to the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs.

Compared to regular metro rail systems, MetroLite is a light urban rail transportation system that has lower expenses and capacity. One benefit of MetroLite is that it requires less capital investment and has lower operating and maintenance expenses, making it a more appealing alternative for the area.

This system may also act as a feeder for the regular metro train network. MetroLite is more affordable because of its lightweight civil construction, reduced power needs, fewer stations, and cheaper operational costs.

Since a few years ago, the Central government’s main priority has been to push for infrastructure improvements in Jammu and Kashmir.

Previously, Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman had also mentioned metro projects for the area during her J&K Budget talk. “During 2023–2024, elevated light metro rail is anticipated to be implemented in both the capital cities of Srinagar and Jammu, which will benefit commuters in both the capital cities and also aid in traffic decongestion,” she added.




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