The Effects of Teams, Google Meet, Zoom, and Other Platforms on Your Mental and Physical Health: Report

The lives of internet users have been greatly impacted by Google Meet, Zoom, and Microsoft Teams. These tools are used by all users to establish social connections, have official meetings, hold daily team meetings, educate themselves, and other purposes. Nonetheless, disparate studies indicate that these online gatherings may be detrimental to one’s health.

Researchers said in a recent Nature paper that using the platforms for video calling may be detrimental to one’s physical and mental health. The human mind and heart may be subjected to increased stress and strain while utilizing these platforms, according to the paper.

According to research from the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, organizations and people should take 30-minute breaks since 50 minutes of continuous video conferencing might cause significant physiological changes in addition to exhaustion.

On the other hand, there is some indication that virtual engagement has a favorable effect on the quality of decisions. The concept that was chosen did not substantially vary in quality by condition, however in-person teams had a much higher top-scoring idea in their produced idea pool. Additionally, there is a considerable difference in the choice error score between virtual and in-person pairings; however, this impact was lessened when the quantity of ideas was taken into account, according to the paper.

Scientists and experts advise everyone to take frequent breaks, but this may not be feasible for everyone who works in the digital sphere, whether as a researcher, student, or in any other field. Additionally, the research supported mental health and provided actionable recommendations.

1. Take regular pauses.
2. Follow the 20-20-20 guidelines to reduce eye strain. Every 20 minutes, while using digital displays, take a 20-second break to look at anything 20 feet away. This reduces the soreness and pressure on the eyes caused by prolonged screen use.)
3. Try to maximize the comfort of workstations.
4. To lessen stress, practice mindfulness.
5. Use a mixed communication strategy that blends in-person and virtual interactions.
6. Reduce screen time by scheduling meetings at sensible times.

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