The Google Podcasts app is shutting down. Here’s how to move your subscriptions?

Google Podcasts, a popular app with over 500 million downloads on the Play Store, will no longer be available for streaming in the US as of April 2 (today). Google announced the shutdown of Google Podcasts in a blog post last year, saying that it wanted to concentrate more on producing audio and video podcasts via YouTube Music.

The app will cease working for users in other parts of the globe later this year, even though it is closing down in the US.
The tech giant has been reminding users via in-app alerts, and on the app’s main page, Google has posted a notice asking users to move their data to YouTube Music or another podcast provider of their choosing.

Although customers will no longer be able to watch their favourite podcasts starting on April 2, the Google Podcasts app will still be accessible for download via the iOS and Android app stores. But they won’t be able to move their data to another app until July 2024.

In a blog post, Google provided more justification for the cancellation of the Google Podcasts app, pointing to a higher investment in the YouTube Music podcast experience. The primary goal is to improve the platform for podcasters and viewers alike. By 2024, it will include special capabilities available exclusively on YouTube that are connected to community, audio/visual switching, and discovery.

The procedures to move your Google Podcast subscriptions to YouTube Music are as follows:.
Launch the Google Podcasts application on your Android or iOS smartphone.
Select the tab labelled “Home.”
Find the notice of the Google Podcasts app deactivation.
Select Export Subscriptions there.
Under the Export Subscriptions menu, choose “Export to YouTube Music.”
After that, you’ll be taken to the YouTube Music app and prompted to choose a Gmail account.
After that, the YouTube Music app will have the subscriptions added.
It is important to keep in mind that the process of transferring all of your subscriptions to the YouTube Music app will take some time.
Not every podcast you may be listening to, however, will be transferred to the YouTube Music app. A’material is unavailable’ notification may appear to users in certain materials. However, you might manually add a podcast by including the RSS feed URL for the programme.

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