Jeremy Renner, star of Hawkeye, says he wants this in next MCU movies

The talented performer Jeremy Renner has taken on a variety of responsibilities in the entertainment business over the years, including acting, singing, and even anchoring reality TV. Still, since his premiere in 2011’s Thor, his performance as Clint Barton, a.k.a. Hawkeye, in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) flicks has received a great deal of attention. Millions of fans have found solace in Renner’s depiction of the expert marksman, but after the Disney+ series’ conclusion in 2021 and his unlucky snowplough incident in January 2023, fans and Marvel fanatics have been wondering where Renner’s character would go in the future.

Renner recently spoke about his role in Silk’s first-ever Super Bowl ad in an interview with ComicBook.com. He discussed his goals for Hawkeye’s upcoming appearance at the discussion, especially in light of his year-long recuperation process after the injury. The event in issue took place in January 2023 and included Renner and his 14,300-pound snowcat having a near-fatal collision. Renner had significant injuries, including several broken ribs, fractures to his tibia, ankle, collarbone, and shoulder.

In response to a question about his hopes for the character’s development, Renner lightheartedly discussed the need of flexibility in both metaphor and actuality, highlighting his dedication to the part and his willingness to explore Hawkeye’s storyline further if requested to do so by the MCU creative team. Renner said, “Adaptability. As we discuss this, I’m becoming more flexible. Really, not kidding. Yes. I’m not sure. I let the authors handle the storyline and storytelling, etc. However, I adore the role, so I’ll be ready to oblige if they contact me. Feige, my man, I’m stretching right now.

In the meanwhile, Renner’s recent participation in the Feel Planty Good Super Bowl ad from Silk revealed a touching partnership with his daughter Ava. When Renner thought back on the encounter, he remarked on how much he enjoyed working with his daughter.

“I’ve been practicing this technique for the last thirty years. Few individuals get to spend time with their kid as part of their professional duties. That was the ultimate awesome item. That’s what matters most; she couldn’t have been more delighted. It was one of her greatest moments ever. She took great pleasure in it. We filmed this thing on the anniversary of my recuperation, which was almost a year ago. My daughter and I were made to reflect on how far we’ve come in our recovery and how wonderful we feel. This is an almost comical circumstance to commemorate this turning point in the healing process. It’s quite durable,” Renner said.

Marvel Studios has not yet confirmed any intentions for a second season of Hawkeye, despite ongoing rumors to the contrary. But the enthusiasm from fans and the engaging on-screen chemistry between Renner and Hailee Steinfeld as Clint Barton and Kate Bishop suggests more projects in the works.

The series’ positive reaction and Kate Bishop’s character’s bright future were earlier points of pride for director Rhys Thomas, who spoke with Collider. This piques interest in possible MCU advancements in the future even more.

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