Diabetes sufferer Wasim Akram describes his morning routine: “I don’t eat 36 rotis with nihari.”

Wasim Akram, a former cricket player for Pakistan, fervently believes that managing diabetes involves taking charge of it, moving forward, and not being afraid of it. After receiving a diabetes diagnosis at the age of forty, Akram, now fifty-seven, went to Instagram to describe his daily regimen, which consists of a “healthy” meal, six insulin injections, and a walk of 10.5 kilometers.

At 6.30 a.m., I took six units of insulin after waking up. After having coffee, I had an almost 10.5-kilometer stroll. I just returned, and in Melbourne, it’s around ten in the morning. It’s time for breakfast now. I have this low-fat yogurt that my wife prepared with blueberries, bananas, muesli, almonds, raisins, and seeds,” Akram remarked.

“I have a lot more energy after this breakfast,” he continued. After this, I’m going to the gym,” the person said. “I don’t eat 36 rotis with nihari.” This is the healthiest breakfast I’ve ever had.

Would Wasim Akram, a diabetic, find muesli, yogurt, bananas, almonds, and seeds to be the perfect breakfast?

According to Dr. Nandini Sarwate, chief nutritional adviser of Utopian Drinks, this is a well-balanced breakfast alternative. “A good mix of complex carbohydrates, protein, healthy fats, and fiber can be found in muesli, yogurt, bananas, nuts, and seeds, which can help in controlling blood sugar levels,” Dr. Sarwate said.

Nuts and seeds provide healthy fats, protein, and extra minerals; muesli offers whole grains for long-lasting energy; yogurt offers probiotics for gut health and protein; and bananas are a fantastic source of potassium and fiber. It’s a concoction that can sustain contentment and energy levels all morning long. However, since this meal is high in calories, you must watch how much you eat. Additionally, try making muesli at home with normal homemade yogurt, Dr. Sarwate said.

Is it a decent choice for breakfast for most people?

According to Dr. Sarwate, this meal is generally beneficial for those without any medical conditions since it has a nice combination of complex carbs, proteins, healthy fats, and fiber. “This is a simple and fast solution for all those with hectic schedules. To keep you satisfied for longer, you may add another bowl of sprouts or some eggs to this same meal to make it more protein-rich, according to Dr. Sarwate.

Therefore, what ought to be remembered?

Store-bought muesli is often coated in sugar, has a lot of preservatives, and includes some dried cranberries. Experts emphasize that this is not the healthiest choice out there.

Dr. Sarwate says it’s always preferable to have savory breakfasts prepared at home. “This store-bought muesli is much less healthy than having some eggs, poha, upma, idli sambar, sprouted salads and some fresh fruits in controlled portions,” Dr. Sarwate said.

More freshly prepared, home-cooked foods for breakfast are advised by Dr. Sarwate because they are simpler to digest and keep your body and mind more active. “Eating warm, fresh food that stimulates all of your senses and keeps your body feeling renewed is always preferable,” Dr. Sarwate said.

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