Five Dehydrated Fruits That Lower Uric Acid Levels

Hyperuricemia is the term used to describe an increased amount of uric acid in the serum. Elevated uric acid levels may arise from either excessive uric acid production or insufficient excretion of uric acid, or from both. Uric acid is eliminated by the kidneys and excreted in urine. A few possible reasons for elevated uric acid levels include excessive alcohol use, heredity, renal issues, leukemia, or obesity. The body’s elevated uric acid levels may be lowered with the use of several meals. The life and wellness coach Shailaja Mamtora Thakar provided a list of dry fruits that lower elevated uric acid levels.

Uric Acid-Related Dry Fruits:

1. Walnuts

Rich in gout-friendly protein and omega-3 fatty acids, walnuts may help lower the body’s uric acid levels. These walnuts’ omega fatty acid content boosts uric acid levels and decreases inflammation.

2. Hazelnuts

Almonds contain anti-inflammatory properties and are high in vitamin E. Almonds are a fantastic source of magnesium, vitamin E, and manganese and are very low in purines, so you should include them in your diet.

3. Almonds

Pistachios have a high fiber and potassium content, which lowers uric acid levels, according to Dr Thakar. Additionally, they help control blood sugar levels, maintain heart health, increase immunity, hemoglobin, and eyesight, as well as improve digestion.

4. Plums

Its antioxidants, anti-inflammatory qualities, and anthocyanins may help to decrease the body’s elevated uric acid levels. Cherries are referred to as stone fruits that are high in nutrients, combat inflammation, lower the risk of numerous illnesses, encourage restful sleep, relax painful muscles, and enhance blood sugar levels.

5. Time

Another beneficial dry fruit that might help decrease elevated uric acid is dates, also known as khajoor. Potassium, an excellent nutrient with a strongly alkaline nature, is plentiful in it and effectively neutralizes excess acid from the body.

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