Five Justifications for Eating Two Amla Pieces Every Morning on an Empty Stomach

Are you aware of the many health advantages of consuming only two pieces of amla (Indian gooseberry) on an empty stomach every morning? Antioxidants, vitamin C, and other essential nutrients that improve digestion, boost immunity, and promote general health may all be found in abundance in amla. The body absorbs these nutrients more effectively when they are eaten on an empty stomach, enhancing their therapeutic benefits. Amla also aids in blood sugar regulation, aids in bodily cleansing, and supports good skin and hair.

Its anti-inflammatory properties might promote heart health and reduce the risk of chronic disorders. By incorporating this simple morning routine into your everyday routine, you may lead a healthier and more active existence. Here are all the amazing health benefits of eating amla every day for your overall wellbeing:

Boosts Imunity

Did you know that the vitamin C content of amlas is high? By boosting immunity and metabolism, this vitamin helps prevent infections and diseases.

Better Vision

You may naturally treat your weak eyesight by eating amla. Indian gooseberry improves eyesight and strengthens eye muscles, while amla’s vitamin C protects eyes from germs and viruses, according the NIH.

Consuming amla on an empty stomach facilitates optimal nutritional absorption, supporting good blood sugar regulation, cleaning, and healthy skin and hair.(Photo courtesy of Canva)

Fights Carcinogenic Cells:

According to NIH, amla has a rich supply of antioxidants, such as gallic acid and polyphenols, which may reduce the risk of cancer and remove free radicals, helping to combat oxidative stress, one of the primary causes of cancer.

Better Digestive Process:

You may not be aware, but the fiber in Indian gooseberries makes your stool thicker, which aids in maintaining regular bowel movements


Do you also have issues with your hair, including thinning and alopecia, which are often caused by low vitamin C levels? Then, eating vitamin C-rich Indian gooseberries promotes hair development and improves hair quality, as per

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