The US claims to be worried about CAA and to be carefully observing its execution

On Thursday, the US said that it is keeping a careful eye on the Citizenship (Amendment) Act’s implementation and expressed worry over its notification in India. At his daily briefing, State Department Spokesperson Matthew Miller expressed concern to reporters on the announcement of the Citizenship (Amendment) Act on March 11.

We are keeping a careful eye on how this deed is carried out. “Fundamental democratic principles are respect for religious freedom and equal treatment under the law for all communities,” Miller said in answer to a query. The Citizenship (Amendment) Act 2019 was put into effect by the Indian government on Monday, opening the door for illegal non-Muslim migrants from Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Afghanistan who arrived in India before to December 31, 2014, to be granted Indian citizenship.

Additionally, the government sent a press release assuring Indian Muslims that they need not be concerned about the CAA since it has no effect on their citizenship and has nothing to do with the community, which has the same rights as Hindus. The Indian government has insisted that no citizen of the nation would lose their citizenship and that the purpose of the CAA is to award citizenship.

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