4 October 2023: Aaj Ka Panchang: Tithi, Vrat, Rahu Kaal, and Other Information

On Wednesday, October 4, the Shashthi Tithi and Saptami Tithi of the Krishna Paksha will be celebrated, according to Drik Panchang. Both Krishna Shashthi and Krishna Saptami are regarded as typical for the majority of auspicious occasions. As a result, the shubh muhurat times incorporate them. Devotees will mark the holy holidays of Rohini Vrat and Shashthi Shraddha on this day.

Understanding the many moon phases and their ideal times for various activities is essential to taking full use of the possibilities presented by the day. By using these schedules, you’ll be able to conquer any difficulties that may emerge and get insightful knowledge for the next day.


The sunset is scheduled at 6:04 PM, while dawn is anticipated around 6:15 AM. Additionally, on October 4, the moon is expected to rise at 9:35 PM and set at 11:20 AM.

Details for the Tithi, Nakshatra, and Rash for October 4

On October 5, the Saptami Tithi is anticipated to start at 5:41 AM and last until the end of the Shashthi Tithi. A second Mrigashirsha Nakshatra will arise after the favorable Rohini Nakshatra till 6:29 PM. The moon will be visible in Vrishabha Rashi, while the sun will be visible in Kanya Rashi.


Here are the shubh muhurat times: Between 4:38 AM and 5:27 AM is the Brahma Muhurta, which is seen as fortunate for big events, and between 5:02 AM and 6:15 AM is the Pratah Sandhya. Between 6:04 PM and 6:28 PM is when the Godhuli Muhurat is expected to take place. On October 5, between 11:46 PM and 12:34 AM, the Nishita Muhurta, another auspicious moment, is slated to begin.


Following are the ashubh muhurat times: Rahu Kalam is slated to take place from 12:10 to 1:38. The Yamaganda Muhurta, meanwhile, is scheduled to occur between 7:44 AM and 9:13 AM. Scheduled to take place from 10:41 AM to 12:10 PM is the Gulikai Kalam. The Baana Muhurta predicts the presence of Roga from 10:08 PM to entire night, while the Dur Muhurtam is expected to start between 11:46 AM and 12:33 PM.


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