How To Remove Turmeric Stains From Clothes With Vinegar And Bleach

Most of us have become so used to living hectic lives that we hardly ever have time for even the most routine daily duties. One of them is properly washing our clothing to remove stains. At first glance, getting rid of stains could appear like a simple chore, but sometimes they are stubborn enough to be challenging. These stains could be difficult to remove, even after sending your clothing to the dry cleaning. Here, we discuss various DIY methods for removing turmeric stains from clothing.


Vinegar has cleaning agents in addition to enhancing food flavor. With its help, you can clean everything, including flooring and clothing. To remove a stain caused by turmeric, combine a cup of white vinegar with a half-bucket of water and a teaspoon of detergent soap. After that, let the cloth remain inside for around 30 minutes before cleaning them.


In addition to keeping your teeth shiny, toothpaste may also keep your clothing looking good. Apply white toothpaste after dabbing a little quantity of baking soda on the stained area of the shirt to eliminate turmeric stains. Now scrape the stain with a brush. All stains will disappear within a few minutes.

Citrus juice

If you have turmeric stains on a white shirt or dress, wash it right away in water, pour some lemon juice on them, and scrub the area well. You will quickly see the stains diminishing as you keep pressing the area.


Bleach may help you remove stains from white clothes if you have white clothing and a stain. Start by soaking the cloth by holding it next to an open faucet. The stain should then be treated with bleach and allowed to settle for a time. Next, put one spoon of bleach and two spoonful of water in a bowl. Now dip the stained component in it and set it aside. Use soap and water to wash it after 30 minutes.


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