Theme, History, Symptoms, and Reasons for Wearing Socks on World Down Syndrome Day 2024

World Down Syndrome Day is marked globally on March 21st of each year. The purpose of the day is to support those who have Down syndrome and raise awareness of the illness. The triplication (trisomy) of the 21st chromosome, which causes Down syndrome, is what makes the day of March distinctive, according to the United Nations (UN).

An additional chromosome is present in an individual with Down syndrome. All of the genes in the body are stored on long DNA strands called chromosomes. An infant has 46 chromosomes on average at birth (23 pairs). “Chromosome 21 is one of these chromosomes that babies with Down syndrome have an extra copy of,” the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said. The additional chromosomes affect the newborn’s development—both physically and mentally—resulting in problems for the child’s development.

One in 1,000 to one in 1,100 live births worldwide are thought to have Down syndrome, according to UN estimates. Every year, anywhere between 3,000 and 5,000 babies are born with this chromosomal abnormality worldwide. Although the cause of this illness is uncertain, it has long been a feature of the human condition.

Theme for World Down Syndrome Day in 2024
“End the Stereotypes” is the topic for this year’s World Down Syndrome Day. The message of the theme is to not discriminate against but to accept individuals with Down syndrome in all facets of society.

World Down Syndrome Day 2024: Background Information and Importance
2006 commemorated the first World Down Syndrome Day, which was established by Down Syndrome International (DSI) during its World Congress in 2005. Subsequently, DSI and its members worked with the Brazilian Federation of Down Syndrome Associations to initiate a major campaign to garner support from across the world.

A resolution designating November 2011 as World Down Syndrome Day was approved by the UN General Assembly and made an annual occasion. The Assembly declared March 21 to be World Down Syndrome Day the next month. The UNGA also declared that World Down Syndrome Day will be commemorated every year starting in 2012.

On World Down Syndrome Day, people are encouraged to welcome and understand those who have the disease. It also offers a chance to honor the achievements and hard work of people with Down syndrome, who often face prejudice and obstacles to inclusion.

Day of the World: Down Syndrome 2024: Signs and Causes
The extra chromosome that babies with Down syndrome have alters how their bodies and minds develop. Individuals with this condition usually speak more slowly than other youngsters and have an IQ (intellectual level) that is fairly low.

A newborn affected by this hereditary illness often displays some of the following physical traits:

sagging of the nasal bridge and face

almond-shaped eyes with a slant

slender neck

little ears.

tongue sticking out

The iris of the eye has white spots on it.

little feet and hands.

a solitary wrinkle (palmar) running across the palm.

little pinky fingers

inadequate tone of muscles

reduced stature in both adults and children.

Most often, Down syndrome is identified during pregnancy. In the event that the baby cannot be recognized, the condition may often be ascertained by seeing how they seem.

On the occasion of World Down Syndrome Day in 2024, why do people wear socks?

In observance of World Down Syndrome Day, individuals wear mismatched, vibrantly colored socks on March 21 every year.

The reason March 21st is important is because individuals with Down syndrome possess three copies of the 21st chromosome. Ds chromosomes have a karyotype that is comparable to mismatched socks, which is why socks were selected.

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