Sikhs do nagar kirtan to commemorate “Jaito da Morcha’s” 100th anniversary

A massive nagar kirtan was held today to commemorate 100 years of “Jaito da Morcha,” starting from Gurdwara Tibbi Sahib and ending at Gurdwara Sri Angeetha Sahib. The town was decked out in celebration of the start of the 100th anniversary of the British fire on a peaceful Sikh parade on February 21, 1924, at Jaito, during the Gurdwara Reform Movement, which resulted in the deaths of several followers.

President of the SGPC Harjinder Singh Dhami recollected the history of “Jaito da Morcha” and unveiled an illustrated book that chronicled the movement’s past.

Earlier, Gurdwara Sri Angeetha Sahib was the destination of the Nagar Kirtan after it traveled through many locations in the town. The focal point of interest for the followers was one of the several tableaus associated with the “Jaito da Morcha.” Among them was a specifically made diorama of the Nabha prison.

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