Two Dalit girls in Hyderabad commit suicide after being reprimanded by their teacher; Kin cries foul

Following a teacher’s scolding for misbehaving with juniors, two Class 10 Dalit girls at a Telangana government-run hostel for Scheduled Castes (SCs) in Bhongir are said to have committed suicide.

The police’s first inquiry revealed that the girls’ reactions to being scolded were “scared” and “embarrassed.” The girls attended a government school, and in their suicide note, which police discovered in their room, they claimed that they had been wrongly accused of something for which they were not accountable.

In their suicide letter, they said that only Shailaja, the warden of their hostel, had faith in their innocence.

According to a story by The Times of India, the girls composed a suicide note, citing the event that happened on February 3. Nobody finds us credible. Someone is framing us for an act we did not commit. We are taking our own lives because we are unable to handle it. Together, perform our funeral,” the suicide letter said.

“It appears there was a complaint by students of junior classes against the two girls, but it was a minor issue,” District Education Officer Narayan Reddy told TOI.

The warden arrived and gave them advice. However, it seems that the occurrence caused the girls great distress,” he said.

The two girls’ families were in a state of shock. “We are not convinced that they authored a letter solely praising their warden,” one parent said, expressing astonishment. Why their warden and professors didn’t tell us about the accusations made against them is confusing. Their roles need to be looked at by the police.

“Parents are alleging that these individuals engaged in suspicious activities leading to the girls’ deaths,” a police official participating in the investigation said. They also assert that neither student’s handwriting appears on the suicide letter.

Parents and family members of the two girls sought an inquiry into their deaths, which sparked protests at the hostel campus. They demanded that the warden of the hostel, the employees, and the driver of the vehicle that brings food and veggies to the hostel be fired right now.

Under Section 174 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (unnatural death), police have opened an investigation of suspicious death. The auto driver and hostel personnel have been called in for questioning.

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