After a botched investigation, paranormal investigators claim to be haunted by an evil presence

Since the beginning of time, mankind have been split into believers and non-believers about the paranormal. Every supernatural event or ghost sighting is refuted by rationalists. Conversely, there are those who claim to have personally seen this occurrence. Even paranormal investigators and ghost hunters make their career by sleuthing the paranormal. After one investigation went awry, two paranormal investigators from England now claim that they have been plagued by a hostile spirit.

A couple who are keen investigators of the paranormal believes that their house may be haunted by a spirit after experiencing many “hauntings” in the last few months. Afterlife Paranormal is owned by Teresa Hughes,59, and Charlie Harker, 58. While conducting investigations at allegedly haunted spots in their region, they broadcast live on Facebook.

Charlie says that over the last twelve months, strange and unexplainable events have been occurring in their Walsall house, particularly in relation to a demonic and malevolent figure they call “George,” who they believe followed them home from a cemetery. They claim that Teresa carried George home with them after being possessed at the cemetery.

The stated event seems to have occurred during an investigation in the Lime Pits nature reserve, and the two reside in the town of Walsall, which is close to Birmingham. Charlie says that throughout the course of the inquiry, he heard Teresa scream and saw her pleading for someone or something to go before discovering her completely darkened and resting in the dirt. He now believes that Teresa was possessed by that terrible force, which had followed them home.

In a disturbing shot of himself taken at the same place, Charlie seems to be surrounded by hazy mist, which he now thinks to be the restless ghost of “George.” Charlie claims that even with his years of expertise in the area of paranormal investigations, this was the first possession event he had ever seen. He also says that circumstances at home took a serious turn for the worst in the months that followed. At first, the alleged hauntings were labeled as “low energy.” The alleged presence appeared to get “more powerful” and things really got dramatic when they decided to have a séance. The two claim to have seen items thrown about the home by unseen hands, including a knife.

“We’ve done one or two Ouija boards, we tried to contact someone named George, who is responsible for all this what is going on,” George said to Birmingham Live. Apparently, we got in touch with him and asked for his name. Then he began uttering phrases like “kill you, die, die.” To assist them in driving out the evil force, the couple intends to enlist the aid of a few of their well-known acquaintances who live on the same circuit.


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