Have you considered producing jaggery in large quantities in factories? Internet is shocked by viral video

Jaggery is a popular winter delicacy in the nation, but recently, a video showing its mass manufacture at a facility went viral on social media, drawing criticism. The video, which was posted on Instagram by @foodiesfab_india, sparked serious worries about the factory’s hygienic standards as well as the welfare of the workers who produced this well-known treat.

The popular video shows factory workers extracting sugarcane juice using a machine, then boiling it till it turns into jaggery. The jaggery mixture is then spread out on the ground and manually formed into pieces by the participants. The video shows that none of the manufacturing workers are wearing safety gear, which is disturbing, and that the cooking utensils seem to be in an unhygienic state.

The Instagram photo, which was published a while back, has received more than one lakh likes and several comments expressing dismay at the filthy circumstances seen at the workplace. The filthy methods used in the creation of this well-liked holiday treat shocked a lot of people.

The public’s worries are reflected in a few comments:

“It’s like stirring cement,” someone said.
Another asked: “What’s going on with the government? Who gave them permission to sell this in a market?”
“Now I know why I get rocks in my gud (jaggery),” said a third individual.
“That’s disgusting, I can’t believe I ate that,” one appalled spectator said.
In reference to refined sugar, a fifth commenter made the following statement: “Then people say avoid packed refined sugar as it is not good for health.”
“This is simply bad for your health,” pointed out an other worried onlooker.

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