Is 10,000 Steps A Day Sufficient for Losing Weight? An Expert Describes Walking’s Advantages

Walking more often is one of the simplest and most efficient strategies to lose those excess pounds. While going to the gym for cardiovascular workouts may be difficult for many individuals, simply walking 10,000 steps a day may have a major positive impact on your health. A calorie deficit is necessary for weight reduction, and walking is a moderate kind of exercise that increases calorie expenditure. Walking also speeds your metabolism, which promotes more effective fat burning.


Walking on a regular basis may also improve cardiovascular health by lowering blood pressure and lowering the risk of heart disease. Walking is a low-impact exercise that people of all ages and fitness levels may participate in. Walking also helps to tone muscles, especially in the lower body, which results in a more slender appearance.

In an interview, fitness guru and health coach Jagran English Shivam Dubey discussed how doing 10,000 steps a day is sufficient to lose weight.

The health coach Shivam states, “A lot of individuals bring up the 10,000-step target when we discuss how to keep active and healthy. It is well-liked since many people can easily comprehend and use it. The key issue, however, is whether logging 10,000 steps a day on foot may really aid in weight loss. Let’s investigate it further.”

How Can 10,000 Steps Help You Lose Weight?

Although reaching 10,000 steps a day may have several positive health effects, such as improving mood, increasing fitness, and reducing cravings, the situation becomes more complicated when discussing weight reduction. For others, particularly those who enjoy endurance sports like triathlons or marathons, reaching 10,000 steps may not be sufficient to lose weight. However, for some people, hitting the 10,000-step milestone might really help them lose weight and fat. Therefore, it really depends on the person and their lifestyle if 10,000 steps is the magic amount for weight reduction.

Research shows that even little changes to one’s daily activity level, such walking more steps—from 3,000 to 5,000 or 8,000—can have a major positive impact on one’s health. But after doing around 8,000 steps, the extra advantages become less significant. Although walking more than 10,000 steps a day may increase calorie expenditure, the primary health advantages seem to peak around 8,000 steps. Getting a driver’s license at the age of eighteen is analogous to reaching 10,000 steps, albeit there are differences in ability levels. For those who want to exercise more in their everyday life, it offers a clear goal. But just as some people may be prepared to drive at age 16, while others may still need more training even at age 20, step counts vary depending on the individual. Getting 8,000 steps a day is equally helpful for sustaining excellent health, even if 10,000 steps is a wonderful target.

But it’s critical to recognize the distinction between fat loss and weight reduction. 10,000 steps a day may aid in weight loss, but exercise alone won’t get you a toned figure. Resistance exercise is a must if you want to lose weight and maintain muscle mass. Therefore, although walking might aid in weight management, maintaining an optimum body composition requires a comprehensive strategy that incorporates strength training.

Moreover, a combination strategy combining moderate-intensity exercise with daily step objectives is recommended by recent research. In addition to improving body composition, this all-encompassing approach reduces heart disease risk factors. Although establishing a step target is a wonderful place to start, combining it with varying exercise intensities guarantees overall health advantages.

Finally, Shivam said, “Therefore, achieving weight reduction objectives entails more than just attaining a set number, even if aiming for 10,000 steps per day is a good beginning towards improved health. While increasing physical activity has numerous advantages, resistance training and varying exercise intensities are crucial for long-term weight reduction and general health. Therefore, while 10,000 steps might provide you direction, a varied lifestyle and thoughtful decision-making are necessary to get optimum health.

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