Why is gut health so popular right now? What it does is as follows:

Experts and influential people released a tonne of knowledge regarding gut health in 2023. Not only has YouTube turned into a maze, but Instagram has also become a place where people can seldom find clarity on a variety of health-related topics. These days, the most popular (or hero) videos are about the stomach.

There’s good reason for this increased interest; during the last several years, a growing body of research has shown the significant influence that gut health has on overall wellbeing.


The billions of bacteria, fungi, and viruses that live in our gastrointestinal tract are collectively referred to as the “gut,” and research has shown that they play a critical role in maintaining human health.

The phrase “gut” refers to the billions of bacteria, fungi, and viruses that make up our gastrointestinal tract’s microbiome.
The gut has gained a lot of attention in healthcare because of social media postings, and people are starting to realize how different health concerns are handled by this umbrella of systems.

The impact of the gut microbiota goes far beyond digesting.

The gut is thought to contain more than 80% of the immune system, making it an essential first line of defense against infections.

Moreover, the stomach produces the bulk of the body’s serotonin, a crucial neurotransmitter linked to mood control.

The impact of the gut microbiota goes far beyond digesting.
This complex relationship between the immune and neurological systems and the stomach explains why an imbalance in gut flora may have far-reaching effects.


In conversation with IndiaToday.The stomach is recognized as the body’s “second brain,” as California-based gastroenterologist Dr. Pal Manickam, who has over 1 million Instagram followers and over 2 million YouTube subscribers, noted before.

It’s a mutually beneficial partnership. Not all bacteria are harmful. To have your food broken down for you, you must have healthy gut flora. It is going to regulate the immune system. Bad bacteria predominates when there is an issue. According to Dr. Pal, “your gut flora determines whether you will be fat, happy, or anxious.”

The ramifications of intestinal health are astonishing statistically. For example, several chronic illnesses have been associated with an unhealthful gut microbiota.

An imbalance between good and bad bacteria in the intestines is known as dysbiosis, and it may lead to weight gain, high blood sugar, high cholesterol, and other metabolic problems.

Conversely, poor gut health has been linked to obesity, cancer, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and even autism.

Furthermore, it is impossible to ignore the gut’s influence on mental wellness.

The gut-brain axis is the name given to this bidirectional interaction in which signals from a disturbed stomach may reach the brain and vice versa.


Gastrointestinal discomfort has been associated with anxiety, stress, and depression, indicating the significance of gut health for preserving mental health.

IndiaToday previously talked with Dr. Sukhvinder Singh Saggu, Director of CK Birla Hospital’s Minimal Access, GI, and Bariatric Surgery departments.About the intricate communication system known as the gut-liver-brain axis, which includes interactions between the liver, brain, and gut and has an impact on our overall health.

“A ruptured gut health can lead to digestive issues (bloating and diarrhoea), liver dysfunction (fatigue and jaundice), and mental health disorders (anxiety and depression) may indicate a disruption in the gut-liver-brain axis,” said Dr. Sukhvinder Singh Saggu.

Gastrointestinal discomfort has been associated with anxiety, stress, and depression, indicating the significance of gut health for preserving mental health.


Numerous experts advise dietary and lifestyle modifications that support gut health as a means of addressing these problems.

Beneficial gut flora may be nourished by a diet high in fiber, fresh vegetables, and foods containing probiotics and prebiotics.

Maintaining a healthy microbiota also requires regular exercise, enough sleep, and stress management.

The present emphasis on gut health is not just a fad; rather, it is a reaction to the growing body of research demonstrating its vital importance to general health.

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