5 Foods To Avoid While Breastfeeding: World Breastfeeding Week

Did you realize? A nursing mother should stay away from certain foods. Yes, you’re correct. Alcohol, caffeine, and processed meals may all affect how much milk you produce. Are you a brand-new mom who is lost? Let’s start with the facts: nursing women must take responsibility for their health. When it comes to their nutrition, they should exercise caution.

New moms might benefit from the following advice from Dr. Atul Palwe, Consultant Paediatrician and Neonatologist at Motherhood Hospital in Lullanagar, Pune:

A major contaminant known to affect the brain, mercury, is found in almost all varieties of fish in trace levels. Fish is rich in protein and low in fat, so generally speaking, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. Only a select few fish species, such as shark, swordfish, tilefish, and king mackerel, should be avoided during nursing. The mercury levels in these bigger predatory fish are greater. It is advised to cut them out of your diet and replace them with lower-mercury foods like shrimp and salmon.
Due to the presence of antigalactagogues, peppermint and parsley have been shown to reduce breast milk production when consumed in large amounts.
Regular and excessive alcohol use may lower milk production and have a detrimental effect on the health of the child.Say goodbye to booze.
Coffee, soda, tea, and chocolate all contain caffeine. This caffeine may enter breast milk if it is drunk mindlessly. Therefore, a baby’s sleep habits can be interrupted if they consume too much caffeine over time, which might cause caffeine to build up in their system.Avoid caffeine in any form, therefore.
To prevent a nutritional imbalance, processed foods should be taken in moderation due to their high calorie content, harmful fats, and added sugars. Furthermore, research suggests that a mother’s food decisions during nursing could influence her child’s eating patterns in the future.Maintaining a healthy diet and making sure you are producing enough breast milk for the infant are both crucial. This is true since a baby’s nourishment and defense against allergies, illnesses, and infections rely on breast milk.

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You will need to watch what you consume if you nurse the child. For nursing mothers, seeing a specialist who can advise them on the items they may consume and remove from their diet is imperative.


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