Festive crackers catch fire and are extinguished without causing significant damage

Early and well-coordinated actions by bystanders and shobha yatra organizers stopped an unintentional fire from spreading on Friday afternoon at a social media influencer’s shoe store in Payal.

According to reports, followers celebrating a religious ceremony let off fireworks, which started the fire.

Since the shop’s owner, social influencer Honey Sethi, did not file a formal complaint, no case was filed.

When word got out about the afternoon fire at “Sethi Shoes,” a store in this prominent market, the neighborhood became anxious.

However, the shop’s personnel and bystanders’ quick thinking and coordination stopped the fire from spreading to other surrounding stores.

The exact amount of the fire’s damage is still unknown, and the police did not take any action since neither the shop’s owner nor any of its employees filed a formal complaint.

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