Why The Earth Moves Every Day But We Feel Earthquakes

It is likely that you were taught that the Earth spins on its axis continuously and also revolves around the sun. It rotates once every twenty-four hours on its axis. At its equator, the Earth travels at a speed of around 1,000 miles per hour (1,600 km per hour). Every day of your life, this day-and-night whirl sweeps you along beneath the stars and sun. It’s interesting to note that, in contrast to seismic earthquakes that rock you to your core, you cannot feel the Earth spinning despite its continual movement. Let’s examine why the Earth is rotating yet we experience earthquakes. The main cause is that the Earth and everything in its orbit, including the atmosphere and seas, are rotating at the same time. We don’t sense any movement since the spinning is continuing at the same steady pace. You will sense any changes in the Earth’s velocity.

It was rather challenging for our ancestors to understand the actual nature of the universe because of the Earth’s perpetual rotation. Although they were able to confirm that the sun, moon, and stars all seemed to move above the Earth, they could not have imagined that the Earth had been rotating the whole time. Following the reasoning, they concluded that “the heavens” moved above us while the Earth remained constant. The earth is not fixed; it is continually spinning and moving around the sun, as they discovered years later.

Put simply, since Earth travels steadily and constantly in its orbit around the sun, individuals do not feel the planet rotate on its axis. Additionally, we don’t feel any movement since it is carrying us as passengers. Conversely, stress between the tectonic plates builds up and causes an earthquake. Vibrations from it may demolish buildings like homes and bridges because it produces accelerations that are rather strong. Earth’s rotation and earthquakes are not identical phenomena.

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