Kanye West is once again being sued for “forcing staff to sleep on the floor in makeshift beds”

The rapper Kanye West is being sued for allegedly breaking labor laws. Worker sleeping in “makeshift conditions” in an unfinished Malibu home is one of the labor breaches.

under accordance with the records, “(His Employee) was sleeping under improvised circumstances, locating vacant areas on the ground and utilizing his coat as an improvised bedding. These lodgings were close to some exposed insulation. According to Mirror.co.uk, “(He) did not have access to a good bed or pleasant resting environment.

Tony Saxon, the plaintiff in the legal lawsuit against Kanye, claims that he began working for the rapper in September 2021 as “a full-time security and a live-in caretaker”. Tony adds that Kanye “utilized him for construction-related tasks,” nevertheless.

In pictures acquired by Mirror.co.uk, sleeping arrangements consist of flimsy blankets and mats spread out on the ground. The bed is placed close to floor-to-ceiling windows on top of grey (apparently concrete) slabs. Next to the bed, his food and drink are left out in the open. Additionally, his personal goods are not properly stored and are left out. A picture of a colleague shows that Tony was not the only one who received this alleged treatment.

The unidentified employee is seen lying on a bed on top of the same flooring, according to Mirror.co.uk. He uses some material to lay his head instead of a cushion since he is without blankets.

His bed is put up next to a big ladder that towers above him, and other work supplies are arranged around the set-up. The guy seems to be wearing black slacks, a camouflage jacket, and sneakers as he sleeps.

Tony claims retribution for defying unsafe requests from Kanye in addition to horrible working conditions.


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