A study reveals the potential risks associated with taking vitamin tablets without a prescription

Many people turn to vitamin supplements as an easy way to fill up any nutritional gaps in their quest for maximum health. Health professionals, however, advise against taking these supplements unsupervised due to the possible damage they may cause if used without medical advice.

Without a doubt, vitamin supplements are essential for correcting deficiencies, especially in susceptible populations, including the elderly, pregnant women, and those with certain medical disorders. However, as medical professionals have pointed out, using these supplements carelessly may have negative effects on one’s health, ranging from stomach problems to more serious ailments, including kidney stones and heart disease.

Mohan Kumar Singh emphasises the risks associated with using too many supplements. Singh is a senior consultant in internal medicine at Marengo Asia Hospital in Gurugram. “Repeatedly taking calcium supplements or multivitamin tablets without a doctor’s supervision might have detrimental effects on your health. Overdosing on these supplements may induce symptoms like nausea, vomiting, and stomach discomfort in addition to long-term organ damage, the source told IANS.

Additionally, these supplements could conflict with prescription medications, decreasing their efficacy or perhaps producing unfavourable side effects. Overdosing on multivitamins may upset the body’s normal nutritional balance, leading to shortages or imbalances. Certain vitamins or minerals that interfere with the use or absorption of other nutrients might exacerbate nutritional imbalances, according to Mohan.

Lead Consultant Tushar Tayal of the CK Birla Hospital in Gurugram’s Department of Internal Medicine stresses the significance of recognising that multivitamins are not always required and shouldn’t be used in place of a well-balanced diet full of vital minerals. Rather, he supports personalised supplementation determined by blood testing to meet specific requirements. When multivitamins are used without a diagnosis, they may cause toxicity over time or interfere with the absorption of nutrients.

When deciding whether or not to use supplements, factors including age, gender, dietary preferences, and pre-existing medical issues are important considerations. Mohan Kumar Singh underlines that in order to determine each person’s unique nutritional needs and reduce any possible hazards related to supplement use, speaking with healthcare specialists is essential.

In the end, even though supplements could be helpful in some situations, a nutritious diet that includes a variety of fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes, healthy fats, and proteins should be the foundation of any supplement regimen rather than its substitute. Health experts’ main takeaway is quite clear: wherever feasible, get your nutrients from natural sources first, and only use supplements when absolutely necessary.

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