Six healthy habits that improve eyesight, from yoga to screen breaks

Too much screen time may strain the eyes and perhaps damage eyesight in the digital era. Electronics usage for an extended period of time may harm eyes in different ways, including eyesight. To enhance and preserve healthy eyesight, do yoga exercises and eat a balanced, nutrient-rich diet. Therefore, the following are some recommendations from WebMD for preserving good vision:

Eat healthfully

Maintain a healthy, balanced diet that contains nutrient-rich foods. Maintaining eye health requires a balanced diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids, lutein, zinc, and vitamins C and E. Among the foods that may help prevent cataracts and macular degeneration are green leafy vegetables, salmon, eggs, almonds, beans, oranges, and oysters. A well-balanced diet helps maintain a healthy weight, reducing the risk of obesity and related diseases including type 2 diabetes, the leading cause of adult blindness.

Wear sunglasses

Every time you go outdoors, you should be aware of how important sunglasses are for your eyes. Make sure your sunglasses block 99% to 100% of UVA and UVB radiation to protect your eyes from cataracts and macular degeneration. Wraparound lenses protect against side effects, while polarized lenses reduce glare. Even though certain contact lenses provide UV defense, adding a layer of protection with sunglasses is still a smart idea.

An adequate amount of sleep

Your sleeping patterns matter a lot, particularly if they have an impact on your health. Sleep provides your eyes a chance to rest and heal, which reduces strain and fatigue, which is just one of the many advantages of getting enough sleep. The performance of sleep-deprived eyes is poorer, and they are more prone to discomfort and vision issues.

Yoga Pose

Yoga may improve your life in a variety of ways, including how you feel cognitively, emotionally, and physically. Discover the benefits of yoga asanas including palming, blinking, eye rotations, and Bhramari Pranayama that enhance calmness, blood circulation, and general eye health.

Reduce Screen Time

Follow the 20-20-20 rule every 20 minutes to reduce eye strain caused by extended screen usage by focusing on anything 20 feet away.

Quit smoking.

Long-term smoking increases the risk of cataracts, macular degeneration, and damage to the optic nerve. Repetition is the key to stopping, and seeking medical aid may help you do so.

Do your eyes also seem to have poor vision to you?
Low vision is a kind of visual loss that cannot be corrected with glasses, contacts, or surgery. Low vision symptoms include blind patches, blurry vision, and poor night vision. Visual assistance might be beneficial.

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