Redefining employment roles: According to a survey, organizations are becoming receptive to gig models

Traditional employment responsibilities and organizational structures have been altered by the gig economy. According to a poll conducted by Indeed and Nasscom, 84% of organizations are considering or are open to using gig models, with start-ups and the business process management (BPM) industry leading the way in the hiring of gig workers.

According to the research Future of Work – Unravelling the Intricacies of New-Gen Work, an emphasis on specialized skills and flexible work locations are the main reasons why Gen Z and millennials choose gig work. In industries including software development, data annotation, and business analytics, companies are using gig workers to their advantage by gaining access to on-demand talent and specific knowledge.

The research explains the future of employment by stating that companies are concentrating on strategic alliances to get competitive advantage and new market access, as well as regional expansion to investigate new markets for talent.

As service-based organizations and global capability centers seek to capitalize on the unrealized innovation potential available in various talent pools concentrated in these burgeoning technological hubs, expansion beyond Tier 2/3 cities in India is becoming more and more prominent.

The report states that for larger tech firms (revenue greater than Rs 250 crore), the availability of diverse skill sets and untapped talent in these technology hubs are the key drivers, while talent availability and cost savings are the primary drivers for smaller organizations with revenue less than Rs 25 crore.

“The tech industry in India is experiencing a significant transformation, reflecting the evolving dynamics of the contemporary workspace,” said Sangeeta Gupta, Senior VP and Chief Strategy Officer at Nasscom. There has been a discernible change in the last five years away from typical office settings and toward the investigation of remote work, which has been followed by a current trend of going back to work in actual office settings.

According to Gupta, the future of work will be determined by the dynamic interplay between the enormous creative potential unlocked by ongoing innovation and the efficiency gains from automation.


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