Why Do Electric Train Passengers Not Get Electrocuted? Verify the technology Indian Railways uses

In India, the vast railway network that effortlessly connects diverse locations is one of the main reasons why most people choose to travel by train. Due to its extensive connection, trains are a popular alternative for many commuters throughout the nation.

Coal was the main fuel used in the early years of Indian Railways, providing the heat required to drive the steam-powered trains. Today, the majority of trains are powered mostly by electricity. These contemporary trains often have metal bodies, which are mostly built of iron. This brings up a frequent query: why do everyone aboard electric trains, including the driver, get electrocuted?

In India, electric trains are propelled by a powerful 25,000-volt current, which has the potential to be terribly damaging. However, although being electrically propelled, a train does not immediately come into contact with this high-voltage current as it travels down the rails. The only part of the train that comes into touch with the electricity is the pantograph, and an insulator is placed between the train and the pantograph to stop the current from propagating within the train. Several additional safety measures are in place to protect the train from the possibly dangerous effects of electric current in addition to this one.

There are electricity outlets inside the train where passengers may charge their phones and run fans and lights. There is no danger of electric shock while using these outlets since they employ a secure 110-volt DC current.

For those who don’t know, coal-powered trains were widely used in the United States for 175 years, beginning in the 1830s. They were essential in driving the industrial revolution and America’s westward expansion.

The steam engine train is also appropriately regarded as a historic train since it is the oldest rolling locomotive in the world. It traveled until 1908, starting in 1855. However, when contemporary technology developed and quicker trains were introduced, it was forced to cease operations.


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