Shubh Muhurat, Importance, Puja Rituals, Mantras, and Other Important Information for Kamika Ekadashi in 2023

Kamika Ekadashi is one of the most important Hindu holidays, and people all over the country celebrate it with a lot of care and love. Hindus believe that Kamika Ekadashi is one of the most important of the 24 Ekadashis that happen each year.

Kamika Ekadashi 2023: Shubh Muhurat
On July 13, the whole country celebrates Kamika Ekadashi, which is a holy day. Drik Panchnag says that the Ekadashi tithi started on July 12 at 2:29 PM and will end on July 13 at 2:54 PM. Breaking the fast is called Parana. After sunrise on the day after the Ekadashi fast, the Ekadashi Parana is done. Parana must be done during Dwadashi Tithi, unless Dwadashi ends before morning. Not doing Parana during Dwadashi is like committing a crime.

Kamika Ekadashi 2023: Significance
Ekadashi is the eleventh lunar day on the Hindu Vedic calendar. It happens twice during each phase of the moon. Kamika Ekadashi will happen in the good month of Sawan in 2023. This is a time to praise Lord Shiva and ask for his blessings for a healthy and happy life. Since Kamika Ekadashi is in the Shravan Maas, it is said to be the most important and lucky day of the year.

The Bhagwant Gita talks about how important Ekadashi is. People believe that fasting on Kamika Ekadashi is holy, just like taking a dip in the Ganges in Kashi, Naimisharanay, or Pushkar helps get rid of all your sins.

Kamika Ekadashi 2023: Puja Rituals
Kamika Ekadashi is a three-day fast where people only eat lunch the day before. On Ekadashi, followers keep a tight fast and only eat after sunrise the next day. On the day of fasting, followers should get up early, clean their homes, take a bath, and put on clean clothes. Lord Vishnu should be given fresh flowers, foods, and Tulsi leaves, and the holy hymns should be chanted. Tell the story of Kamika Ekadashi and Vishnu Sahastranama at the same time. Offer bhog to the god, and then ask Lord Vishnu for his blessing to end the puja.

Lord Vishnu Mantras 1. “Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya”

2. “Shanta-karam bhujaga-shayanam padma-naabham suresham

vishwa-dharma gagana-sadrisham megha-varanam shubhangam.

lakshmi-kaantam kamala-nayanam yogi-bhi-dhyaana- gamyam

vande vishnum bhava-bhaya-haram sarva-lokaika- naatham”

3. “Om Namo Narayanaya”

4. “Om shreem krishnaya shreem

shreem shreem govindaya gopalaya goloka

sundarayya sathyaya nityaya paramatmane paraya vaikhanasa rajamoorthy

meghathmane shreem narasimha vapushe namah”

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