From Skin Conditions To Dental Problems, Here Are 5 Signs That Your Body Is Deficient In Calcium

Maintaining general health requires ensuring an appropriate intake of key minerals, with calcium being one of the most important for human health. This mineral is critical for the development of strong bones and teeth and for the best possible operation of the heart and other bodily muscles. Inadequate calcium intake may lead to serious health hazards, such as osteoporosis, osteopenia, and hypocalcemia (a disease caused by a shortage of calcium). A shortage in children may prevent them from growing properly, which emphasizes the need to eat a balanced diet that includes all the nutrients they need.

Early on, it might be difficult to diagnose calcium insufficiency since the symptoms might not be obvious right away. Consequently, it is essential to be on the lookout for symptoms that point to a deeper problem than the weak bones and strained muscles that are often linked to these conditions.

Spasms and cramps

The contraction and relaxation of muscles are significantly influenced by calcium. Muscle cramps and spasms may result from your body not receiving enough of the mineral, particularly in the hands, foot, and face muscles. You may experience these spasms or cramps when exercising or even just relaxing.

Pins and needles and numbness

Our bodies are impacted by every mineral we take in via our food and beverages. Therefore, the organism may suffer greatly from a deficiency of such elements. A lack of calcium may have an impact on the neurological system, which can cause tingling or pins and needles in the hands, feet, fingers, or toes.

Weakness or Fatigue

Do you feel weak, worn out, or less energetic than usual? If so, this may be one more red flag of a calcium deficit. Since calcium is essential to the healthy operation of muscles, it is a necessary mineral for our bodies. Therefore, decreased muscular strength may be a consequence of low calcium levels in the body.

Dental Issues

In addition to its well-known benefits for bones, calcium also has positive effects on teeth. Low calcium levels in the body may cause gum disease, tooth decay, and enamel deterioration. Children who are significantly low in calcium may have delayed tooth growth.

Skin and Nail Issues

It may indicate a calcium deficit if you notice that your nails are brittle and prone to splitting, which causes them to fall off easily. Additionally, you could notice skin that is itchy, dry, and prone to rashes. Therefore, it’s critical to keep your calcium levels in check.

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